and Hohenelbe
Report No. 315
Reported by: N. N. Report of June 19, 1950
On July 18, 1945, around 10 o'clock, a truck full of Czech
soldiers arrived on the market square of Schwarzental. The truck was carrying a
considerable number of Czech soldiers, all of them armed to the teeth. They got
off the truck outside the Hotel "Erben", and went in. One or two platoons of
Czech soldiers had been quartered in this hotel for some time already, but their
presence or demeanor had not given rise to any complaints. Only the new
arrivals turned out to be criminals shortly after their arrival. After a brief stay at
the Hotel "Erben" they rushed off to the upper section of Schwarzental. The first
German man to be brought out was the master dyer Franz Munßner, the
father of two underaged children. Like all those who followed, he had been
forcibly taken from his home and family. He was followed by the coachman
Josef Ettrich, the father of one underaged child; master dyer Josef Krauß,
father of three underaged children; and master dyer Johann Krauß, brother
of the previous. To loud curses all these men were dragged to the Hotel "Erben",
while kicks and blows from rifle butts and rubber truncheons rained down on
them. Further, the Czechs also invaded the homes of the farmer Wonka, Franz
Kröhn, father of four underaged children, Josef Schneider, also father of
four underaged children, a quarry worker in the limestone works, master saddler
Möhwald, Oswald Renner, father of two underaged children, a telegraph
worker, and then it was my turn as well. I too was dragged away from my wife
and my four underaged children. In my case these bandits invaded my
shoemaking shop and demanded, with violent threats, that I should come with
them right away. In the hallway they beat me to the floor with several blows
from their rifle butts. I had to cover the short distance to the Hotel "Erben"
almost at a run, while they cursed me in the most insulting and crude manner.
Since I understand the Czech language perfectly, I understood all their slurs,
such as "German pig", "German bastard" etc. In the hallway of the Hotel
"Erben" all the German men who had been brought in, including myself, had to
stand side by side facing the wall. We were strictly forbidden to move. Some of
the Czechs apparently got their pleasure from hitting us severely on the back of
the head, so that our faces crashed into the wall. This was repeated at short
intervals, and soon we were all bleeding badly from our noses and the wall was
also blood-spattered. Then the Czechs brought on the German man Kröhn,
a cobbler; he had been taken from his place of employment in the Mencik
factory. This poor man could hardly walk any more, and so he was dragged in
across the floor. He had been beaten horribly on the way here, so that he was
already totally exhausted. His clothes were smeared with blood. He had to stand
up across from us and with his back to the wall, and then his clothes were
searched. One of the Czechs found a sports badge in one of his pockets.
Kröhn stood fairly close to my position, and so I saw clearly how they hit
him in the face and even on his glasses with a rubber truncheon. His glasses
shattered. His tormentors also tried to pin the sports badge on him, pushing the
pin (meant for fixing it to one's shirt) into his skin and into the flesh of his
forehead. Since such a pin is about 3 mm thick and relatively blunt, these
attempts failed. But the victim sustained considerable injuries to his forehead,
which was bleeding badly. He then had to turn and face the wall also, and he and
Seff Ettrich, who stood beside him, had to raise their arms and lean against the
wall with the palms of their hands, and then both were beaten with rubber
truncheons on the backs of their hands and fingers as well as on their head and
back until they both collapsed. They were then still treated to vicious kicks,
mostly in the stomach area.
A few hours later - it may have been around 5 o'clock p.m. - we were all ordered
to get into the truck that was standing at the ready. As I was getting in, my wife,
who had approached the truck along with some children, tried to hand me a
jacket, but she was turned away with the words, "He doesn't need a jacket any
more, he's going to get one over the head and then a stone to mark his place."
Once we were on the truck, we had to squat on the floor in the middle. The walls
were lined with benches, on which the Czechs sat. Squatting with our knees
drawn up, and holding our knees with our hands, we had to huddle in the middle
of that truck. Some of the ruffians hit us on the knees and elbows with the butts
of their pistols. The truck moved out, and we drove
towards Lauterwasser-Forstbad. The farmer Wonka and the master saddler
Möhwald each had a large mustache. Some of the Czechs made a game of
it and passed the time by ripping the moustache hairs of these two unfortunate
men out one by one, until there was not a single hair left to pull out. The poor
men then asked to be allowed to smoke. They were permitted to; but the Czechs
first removed the mouthpieces from their pipes and stuffed the pipes with horse
manure, and the two men then had to take the pipes in their mouths without the
mouthpieces. Then they were given a light, and they actually had to smoke the
horse manure. After a brief time, for which they had been forced to continue
smoking, the pipe heads were simply knocked out of their mouths, along with
some of their teeth. The Czechs then stuffed their mouths full of hay. But finally
this trip was over, and when we were ordered to get out of the truck we found
ourselves in the courtyard of the welfare home in Hohenelbe.
We were told to get off as quickly as we could, and had to stand up along the
wall of the welfare home, facing the wall. Shortly afterwards we were allowed to
turn around, and were then called one by one to the steps that led down to the
basement. Two Czechs had taken up position there, and hit each arrival
ruthlessly over his head and torso with their rubber truncheons and then kicked
him brutally down the steps. Once all of us had arrived down there in the dark,
unlit basement hallway, all of us except for
two - one of which was myself - were to be roped together into one big pile. In
the hallway there was also a large number of dirty
and blood-soaked shirts from the former Hitler Youth. The two of us who had
been sent off to one side were ordered to rip the sleeves off these uniform shirts,
and were then ordered to put them on
our fellow-prisoners as gags. We were told to tie these gags tightly at the neck so
our comrades-in-suffering would be completely unable to speak. We were also to
such torn-out sleeves and tie our fellow-prisoners' hands firmly behind their
backs. Since we did not carry out these orders quite to the liking of the
soldateska, we were shoved aside, and now these criminals did it themselves and
the two of us were also gagged and tied up.
Before this tying-up and gagging was even complete, some of the ruffians led
some other Germans in from one of the basement rooms. They had probably
been brought here a few days earlier. They were the mailman Wenzel Seidel, the
father of two underaged children, and the carpenter Franz Seidel, also father of
two underaged children. These two men were totally disfigured. They had been
shaved bald, and their faces were suffused with blood. Their heads were grossly
swollen. They were almost unrecognizable and could barely keep upright.
During an unguarded moment they whispered to us that during the interrogations
that were no doubt about to begin for us, we should simply admit to everything
we would be asked, and confess to everything. These two men had been told that
they could save their lives only by a full confession. The criminals now ordered
them to check and make sure that we new arrivals were properly gagged and that
our hands were tied tightly enough. In the course of this examination I had to
take a step backward in the dark basement hallway, and I stumbled over
something lying on the ground there. A cold sensation suddenly ran over me, for
I felt that I had bumped against a stiff human body. I whispered, as best I could,
"What's that?" Wenzel Seidel replied, also in a whisper: "That's first lieutenant
Langer, he was beaten to death about an hour ago." I shuddered.
Now we were distributed amongst the basement rooms. Together with five
others, I was put into a very dark room. It was a larger room containing a large
number of old bicycles and bicycle parts. Franz Munßner, the farmer
Wonka, master saddler Möhwald and Seff Ettrick were imprisoned in a
smaller room, about 9 meters square, windowless and with a fairly large table
and an iron door. The
four comrades-in-suffering were tied together in a standing position, which made
it impossible for them to sit or lie down. The brothers Seidel were locked back
into their basement room in which they had already spent several days prior to
our arrival. I had taken up position by the door, and through said door I could
hear how the soldateska were divided up into guard teams and how these guards
were instructed to check the various basement rooms at least once an hour to
make sure that none of us were sitting down. Seff Ettrich was beaten especially
badly, until he was quite mangled. I too was beaten about my head and back
every time the guards inspected our cell; to protect myself a little I had turned
my face to the wall at one spot where there was a small depression that just fit
my nose, so that when they shoved and hit me there was a bit of a safeguard for
me when my face hit the
wall. - The master weaver Edi Klust had been in the same cell as I for several
days already. He had snapped and gone insane, but whenever the guards entered
he was again brutally beaten like the rest of us.
In these prison cells it was impossible for us to tell whether it was day or night.
We got nothing to eat, nor to drink, at least not for the first three or four days.
After that we got a few mouthfuls of water, and
then - it may have been the day after - a little black coffee and a bit of dry bread.
For the first days we had to answer the call of nature while still tied up. Due to
the severe blows we also received to our stomachs, some comrades had had to
throw up, and they were not helped in any way. The air in the basement rooms
had taken on a dreadful stench, and when the guards entered they always had to
let the room air out for a few minutes. It was not until the third day that we were
given a pot to serve as toilet, and when the guards arrived one of us would have
to carry it out. I was virtually unable to open one of my eyes, which was suffused
with blood and totally swollen shut. I had only partial vision left in my other eye,
which had also been injured by the brutal blows. One day the guards again came
by on their
rounds - I have to add that the guards were different Czechs almost every
day - and they had brought small flat pliers with them and used them to shove
wood splinters under our fingernails. We had no choice but to endure this
helplessly as well. One particularly brutal torture technique that deserves
mention here was their practice of hanging
us head-down, by our feet from the ceiling, and beating us savagely with their
rubber truncheons.
While all these brutalities were going on in the basement rooms, individual
interrogations were also being performed. The men were taken from the rooms
one at a time to be interrogated. Screams of pain were also to be heard from this
interrogation room, which was not far from the basement room in which I was
imprisoned. After the interrogation the Czechs dragged the prisoners back as a
misshapen bloody mass, which they threw into the room and left there. These
people were no longer able to speak. As the days passed I was able to ascertain,
by looking through the keyhole of the locked door that connected our cellar
room with the adjoining one, that aside from the two Seidel brothers the chief
forester Franz Bayer, the administrator Hubert Wawra and senior teacher Gall
were also locked into that adjoining cell. Hubert Wawra was lying on a large
table, totally exhausted and almost as though dead. At certain intervals, as I
heard, the guards made him drink considerable quantities of iodine. I also
happen to know that the Seidel brothers, Wenzel and Franz, as well as comrade
Wawra were taken from the cellar one night by a severely drunk Czech, were
tormented and tortured horribly, and then simply shot. Senior teacher Gall was
transferred to the Hohenelbe District Prison, where he was subjected to long and
agonizing interrogations
in Ober-Hohenelbe-Steinwag and then shot.
Then it was my turn to be taken to be interrogated. My manacles and gag were
removed in the basement hallway. The manacles had been too tight, and had
bitten deeply into my flesh. I was in a great deal of pain. The laundry room of
the house we were in served as the interrogation room. Once there, I was
allowed to sit down on a chair. The room contained a long table, on which my
comrades who had been 'interrogated' before me had to lie down and were then
beaten dreadfully with rubber truncheons in order to force them to make
confessions. A laundry mangle and a clothes press were also in the room. The
concrete floor, the walls and especially the ceiling were spattered all over with
blood. In one corner I saw not only blood that had been swept together there, but
also a large amount of hair and even some human fingers.
My interrogation was relatively brief, and I was not even beaten. A verdict,
which was first read to me and then given to me to sign, stated that I was to be
sent to a penal camp, that my wife would be deported to Germany and my
children taken into the Czech interior. I was also informed that the money that
had been taken from me on my arrest would not be returned to me. Then I was
asked whether I had shoes, for I had come to the interrogation room barefoot. I
had also lost my suspenders in the cellar room and had to hold my pants up with
my hands. One of the Czechs was sent to the cellar room to get my shoes and
suspenders. He returned just a few seconds later and said that he had been unable
to find anything. Then I heard the Czechs debate which of them was to escort me
to the gate. The chief interrogator saw fit to accompany me personally. As we
walked through the large garden, he insisted most forcefully that I was not to tell
anyone about anything I had seen and experienced here. At the gate he ordered
the guard to let me pass. I went as best I could, and as quickly as possible, to the
house where my father lived in Hohenelbe. On my way there, Czech soldiers
stopped me several times and laughed and made fun of me because of the
dreadful state I was in. My father hardly recognized me. After something to eat,
and several hours' rest, I left to go home. At home my children did not recognize
me either. My comrades which I have mentioned in this report were tortured to
death and died in the most horrible agonies.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out