(near Karlsbad)
Report No. 306
Blinded in the camp
Reported by: Josef Dörfl Report of September 29, 1946
was arrested in Schankau on August 27, 1945 and on my committal to the
Karlsbad District Court I was boxed so badly about the head that I staggered. I
also received a punch in my right eye. In January I suddenly went blind on my
right eye. I immediately reported to an ophthalmologist, but I was not examined
until three weeks later, when I had also developed numerous abscesses on my
head and upper body and had to be treated in the hospital. For a time I had to visit
the eye specialist every day, and he gave me injections. Due to my transfer to the
Eger District Court the treatment was interrupted for two months. It was not until
July 1940 that I was again able to consult an ophthalmologist in Eger, who told
me that there was nothing left to be done for me.
Report No. 307
Reported by: Ottilie Smrtschka
I boarded with
Mr. Wilhelm Bartosch, master plumber, in Schildberg No. 346.
We were seven families there, among us the master cooper Josef Assmann, a
family man and the father of five children. One day
in mid-May, around 10 or 10:30 in the morning, I was looking out my kitchen
window and saw a number of men, 14 or 15, rushing towards our house with
cudgels and guns. They were Czechs, most of them partisans. They forced their
way into Josef Assmann's home from two directions. He tried to flee, but
unfortunately failed. They beat him with cudgels and rifle butts. The shirt hung
in tatters from his upper body, which was blue with bruises and suffused all over
with blood. Screaming, he collapsed several times. Several of the men kept
yanking him back to his feet and beating him anew. Suddenly he gave a piercing,
loud scream, and I saw how a heavy blow from a rifle butt split his head literally
in half. He collapsed and did not get up again. The blood simply poured over his
body. His clothes had been torn entirely off his body, and in this state they
dragged him into his neighbor's yard, where they shot him. His own children, 10,
7, 5 and 3 years old, witnessed this murder. They screamed and cried loudly for
their father. He was left lying naked and mutilated in the middle of the yard for
more than an hour, and children
and grown-ups alike could go and look at him. One man from the crowd went to
fetch a sack, and covered the dead man. Germans who had been unjustly
imprisoned then had to carry him to the cemetery and bury him in a shallow
grave there.
(and Karlsbad, Kaschlitz, Spickengrün)
Report No. 308
Maltreatment to extort
Reported by: Josef Czech Report of September 18, 1946
I served as gendarme in Czechoslovakia until 1938 and
then, after the Sudetenland joined Germany proper, I entered service as gendarme
in the Reich. On May 18, 1945 I transferred my position as gendarme in
Schlackenwerth to Czech control. On June 13, 1945 I was arrested by partisans,
severely maltreated, and then taken to a
military counter-espionage division. This division was quartered in the Fasolt
villa in Karlsbad. There, I was repeatedly grossly maltreated because the
authorities hoped to extort statements from me, about hidden weapons, Nazi
leaders etc. An SA man from Kaschlitz near Karlsbad, whose name unfortunately
I do not know, was beaten to death before my very eyes during the same kind of
maltreatment. On June 14 in Spickengrün, where I had been taken by car, I
also witnessed how five of seven farmers who had been arrested were shot after
first having been severely maltreated. Two were taken to Karlsbad, and beaten to
death there the same day. I myself had to load the two corpses onto a truck. On
June 15, 1945 I was released.
Report No. 309
The Reichenau concentration camp,
Reported by: A. Heinl Report of October 14, 1946
I was an active
member of the Social Democratic Party until 1937
and - for some time - even the Social Democratic representative of the
community of Schlag. On May 28, 1945 I was arrested at Schlag and
cruelly ill-treated. This ill-treatment was resumed at the camp at Reichenau a few
days later; many were literally beaten to death there. Many lost their teeth or had
their noses broken. One lost his right eye as a result of
the ill-treatment. Each one of us was disfigured past recognition. At the end of
June 1945, suffering from malnutrition, I was taken to the hospital at Gablonz,
where little attention was given to the German patients. After my recovery in
September I was returned to the camp at Reichenau; from there I was sent to
work as a printer. My first interrogation took place on December 29th, but no
reason for my detention could be given. My release was authorized on June 29,
1946, but the notice was only given to me on October 4, 1946. My wife, although
seriously ill, was driven out of our apartment and expelled from the country on
July 8, 1946. All she could take was small hand-luggage.
Report No. 310
Looting during luggage
Reported by: Josefine Otto Report of June 1, 1946
the luggage inspection in Schlaggenwald my expulsion luggage, which was for
two people, was looted, and almost all my linen, tablecloths, hand and dish
towels, one suit, one coat, two blankets and a pillow were stolen. The inspection
took place while I was
being strip-searched, that's why I couldn't tell until later what all was missing.
Report No. 311
Reported by: Helmut Nordmann Report of September 13, 1946
(Schlaggenwald, Elbogen, Karlsbad, Neurohlau)
I was
arrested on July 10, 1945 in Schlaggenwald near Elbogen and imprisoned first in
Elbogen Castle and later in Neurohlau. In Elbogen and in Neurohlau I was
severely maltreated. Once, in Neurohlau, I was beaten so badly that I lay
unconscious in the infirmary barrack for 48 hours. The Commandant himself was
the one who had beaten me unconscious. I sustained severe head injuries, with
meningeal bleeding and nerve damage. Nonetheless I had to do hard physical
labor, with almost nonexistent rations, for months. My physical weakness made
me the target for further maltreatment. It was not until April 9, 1946 that I was
committed to the Karlsbad Hospital, to the neurological ward, but my condition
improved only marginally by the time I was to be resettled. On my resettlement
[expulsion] I had only a little luggage, which comrades had given me. I had
almost no clothing, and so I turned to the camp office for help; I was given a pair
of torn pants and a smoking jacket.
(District Deutsch-Gabel)
Report No. 312
Severe abuse of a German in September
Reported by: Antonia Honsek Report of June 22, 1950
Antonia Honsek, née Pietsch, born on October 2, 1875 in
District Deutsch-Gabel (Sudetenland), having been resident at Schönbach
No. 168,
District Deutsch-Gabel, from my birth until the expulsion in 1946, wish to submit
the following account of my experiences. My statement tells the truth and nothing
but the truth, and I am ready and willing to take this on my oath at any time.
Names and dates may be published in their entirety, and I can bring witnesses for
In 1945 the Czech Commissar Kvaz who had been posted to our home
community arrived together with a 21-year-old Czech fellow from the interior of
Bohemia and a 17-year-old Czech girl in order to inspect and confiscate our
house and property.
My husband was 75 years old and frail, and had lain down for a rest, therefore he
did not immediately hear the Czech's knocking at the door. The Czech
Commissar then smashed several window panes on our house. When my husband
opened the door then, he did not even get the chance to say a single word before
Kvaz punched him in the face over and over again until he collapsed, covered in
blood. When my husband regained consciousness quite a long time afterwards,
his lips were so badly swollen that they burst in a few places. His hearing had also
been severely damaged. What is more, my husband was mentally disturbed from
that time on. My husband had been
a blue-collar worker. All his life he had been in a labor union, and for decades he
had been a member of the Social Democratic Party.
In June 1946 I, my husband who was broken in body and spirit, and our
granddaughter were chased out of our home town, and found emergency shelter
in Schönow, District Niederbarnim, in the Soviet Occupation Zone of
Germany. On October 13, 1947 my husband died in Schönow of the
consequences of the maltreatment he had received at the hands of that Czech
Commissar Kvaz, consequences which had been intensified further by starvation.
Schönhengst mine
Report No. 313
German miner murdered
Reported by: Emma Prudl Report of June 15, 1946
Czechs conscripted my husband for labour in the mines at Schönhengst. He
had already worked there before. During the night of September 9th, 1945, four
partisans came and asked for my husband. I told them that he was not at home, as
he had gone to Klein-Heringsdorf to see his parents.
At 5:30 in the morning a partisan came back and asked for my husband again,
who was not home yet. At 6 o'clock my husband returned. I told him that they had
been looking for him. My husband washed himself and went to see our
neighbour. 10 minutes later the partisans came again. When they were standing in
the yard, my husband stepped out of the neighbour's house. The moment the
partisans caught sight of him, they made a dash for him. As my husband turned
round, several shots were fired and he dropped dead. Two men, Leo Mrkwec and
his father, had shot him. I am prepared to swear to this statement.
Report No. 314
Young people murdered, deportation camp,
Reported by: N. N. Report of July 3, 1950
home town Schönlinde is 6 km away from the Saxon border. It was a
totally German town, with all of 17 Czech inhabitants. In June 1945 the first
expulsion took place, of 1,500 German businessmen, teachers and officials. Each
family was allowed to take as much clothing and linen as they could carry, but
everything that was new and nice was confiscated during the body search
conducted at the outskirts of the town. Then they were driven out in long, pitiful
treks, urged on with whip lashes and blows from rifle butts, to the border via the
longest possible detour, 25 km via Dittersbach. Naturally most of the expellees
had to leave the rest of their possessions lying by the wayside when they became
too exhausted to carry them further. All the prominent male inhabitants were
arrested, including Dr. Petzold the chief surgeon from the hospital, and were
brutally beaten every day and forced to do the most demeaning work. Water and
bread was all they got to eat. The Mayor and his family, a doctor, and many
others put an end to their torment by committing suicide. Weeks later, the
prisoners were taken to the infamous concentration camp Rabstein near
Bohemian Kamnitz. I want to mention one case in particular, namely the
Köhler family. The father and his
two 17-year-old sons (twins) were arrested. The two boys were inhumanly beaten,
and trampled with boots, until they showed no more signs of life; their father was
forced to watch the torture until his sons were dead. A short time later he too was
finished off.
In July a second wave of expulsions from Schönlinde was carried out,
accompanied by the same maltreatment. In the meantime a similar kind of trek,
2,400 people, arrived from Warnsdorf, which was located right by the border;
nonetheless the people were herded via Schönlinde to Hermsdorf, a
distance of 27 km.
On three-wheeled handcarts, wheelbarrows and the like, they carted their ill and
elderly family members to their wretched fate. So that we would not get in their
way, we were removed to the Czech interior, as labor slaves. We were taken to
the limestone quarry of Biskup near Prague. We were actually treated and housed
very decently there. But after six months, orders arrived from the government to
send us to the Modrany camp, and from there to the infamous concentration camp
Lesany, known as "the Green Hell", where we were exploited as camp laborers
for 9 months. Families were torn apart, and anyone who was unable to work
almost starved to death. Fleeing from the Russians, many Silesians passed
through parts of the Sudeten region on their way to West Germany. 15,000 of
them were separated from their treks, brought here and robbed of their last few
possessions, and then left to perish
from starvation-related typhus. The huge camp cemetery with its thousand crosses
speaks volumes. In spring 1947 we were sold to the farmers as work slaves, the
price was some bacon and butter. A government decree stipulated that all
Germans had to work from 5 o'clock in the morning until 10 p.m., for regular
prison rations. We were sent to the farmer Jirsa in Pelec, District Kamenice. We
had to work 16 hours a day under constant guard, as did
my school-aged children. Black coffee and dry bread was all we got. In the winter
we had to chop wood in the forest while the children stripped feathers. They were
not allowed to go to school.
In May 1945, 7 members of the Wehrmacht had been nailed to the farmer's gate
and tortured to death. His neighbors testified to it. Two Silesian girls, sisters aged
18 and 20, were left to the Russians' tender mercies every day after they returned
from their field work. After 11 months of heavy labor I managed to be transferred
to a brickworks, where we were treated quite a bit better. In autumn 1948 we
were brought back to Lesany, where we were robbed of
our hard-earned bit of cash and then expelled to Saxony.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out