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Translation of Der Tod in Polen. Die volksdeutsche Passion by Edwin Erich Dwinger.
Original published by Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Jena, © 1940.
This translation by Heather Clary-Smith, © 2004-2021 The Scriptorium. All rights reserved.

by Edwin Erich Dwinger

The deportation and expulsion and the mass murder of the ethnic Germans before and at the beginning of the war in Poland was by no means confined to the "Bloody Sunday of Bromberg", which is only too often downplayed or even denied outright today. In this book the reader experiences almost first-hand the terrible fate of tens of thousands of ethnic Germans in Poland at the outbreak of the war in 1939. This English translation, published here for the first time in 2004, commemorates the 65th anniversary of these events that are an eternal stain on the family bibles of all subsequent Polish generations!

A Word in Advance
1.  The Beginning - September 3, 1939
2.  The Fate of a Bromberg Family - the Schmiedes
3.  The Fate of a Bromberg Family - the Radlers
4.  Bromberg Highlights
5.  The Danse Macabre of Bromberg Spreads
6.  Murder on Jesuit Lake
7.  The Massacre of Slonsk
8.  The Fate of Factory Owner Mathes and his Sons
9.  The Death March of Bromberg (Part 1)
10.  The Death March of Thorn (Part 1)
11.  The Death March of Bromberg (Part 2)
12.  The Death March of Thorn (Part 2)

The Death March of Bromberg Joins With One from Pommerellen

14.  Towards Warsaw: The Death March of Thorn

The Death March of Bromberg: Finally, Freedom in Lowitsch


The Death March of Thorn: Through the Hell of Warsaw - to Freedom

Postscript by The Scriptorium: 65 Years Later