(near Grulich)
Report No. 277
Dreadful atrocities, murder,
Reported by: Johann Peschka, Dean Report of August 3, 1946
Hardly any village suffered as much under the Czechs as
The 23-year-old commissar, a Czech Communist, immediately altered
the War-Memorial into a Czech-Russian monument in commemoration of the
victory, decorated it with Stalin's picture and with hammer and sickle.
The kolkhoze-system was introduced. At 6 o'clock in the morning the inhabitants
of the village had to fall in, in order to be distributed for work. Women who came
late because they had had to attend their children were struck with a whip or
punched in the face by this same commissar. Mrs. Hermine Fischer, wife of a
mason, whose husband had not yet returned from the army, showed me her
bleeding wounds and her broken nose. Miss Hedwig Seifert, who was supposed to
have made an offensive remark concerning the Czechs, although this
denunciation by the správce (manager) was a false one, had to undress
completely in the office of the commissar; she was then lashed, her hair cropped
and she had to press a piece of paper against the wall [with her nose] for two
hours. Whenever it slipped down, she received lashes with the whip. She was also
not allowed to relieve nature, so that she defiled herself. At last she was confined
to her room for a whole month, probably with the intention of preventing her
from filing a protest.
This commissar also gave orders for the shooting of eight innocent persons, as for
example Josef Kretschmer, a farmer, in whose field a weapon was found in a
heap of stones and also Konrad Neutzler, who was a tenant of another farmer by
the name of Pretschmer. It is reported by the neighbours that both these men were
completely undressed, tied up and so terribly beaten that their cries of pain were
audible far off, before they were actually executed.
One Winkler, a shoemaker and his wife, who had already crossed the German
border, returned at night in order to fetch more clothes for themselves. They were
both picked up and dreadfully tormented so that their cries could be heard at a
great distance. Afterwards they were driven to Grulich, where they were locked
up in the cellar of the
Schiller printing-works and again cruelly maltreated. People from Grulich who
saw these victims noticed their bloodshot
eyes, swollen-up faces and the almost mad look in their eyes. Later on they were
all shot, together with Berthold Seifert, a bricklayer's foreman, and Richard
Hentschel, the leader of the local farmers' association. All the inhabitants of the
village, including the children over eight, had to witness the execution, their
hands above their heads. Everyone was forced to take with them their watches
and jewellery. The Czech woman secretary ordered the singing of the German
anthem. The drunken soldiers could not aim right, and the woman among the
condemned received shots in the abdomen. Some of those who had been shot
were still living when they collapsed into the hole which they themselves had
been forced to dig. From above, the Czechs gave a number
of mercy-shots. Many of the spectators fainted. Johann Müller, a
smallholder, on returning to his house hanged himself in a panic. Before the
execution the enforced spectators were searched and all their valuables were
taken from them.
A soldier who had many war-injuries and had recently returned home was shot
without any trial or interrogation. My servant, Miss Maria Neutzler, who had to
renew the eternal light in the church at Oberlipka, was interrogated and tormented
for a considerable time, since she was accused of having given light signals to the
enemies from the church. She died as a consequence of this maltreatment in the
at Mährisch-Rothwasser.
By order of the commissar five women between 40 and 60 years of age had to
thrash corn in the barn of a farmer by the name of Johann Rotter. One of the
women was Mrs. Prause, the mother of Berthold Winige's wife. Since it was very
cold, the five women went to a neighbour's house in order to eat their dry bread
there and to warm themselves up. When the commissar passed the barn and did
not see the women, he furiously fetched them from the room and ordered them to
follow him to the barn. There they had to undress partially. After this the enraged
brute kicked them with his riding-boots and beat them with a [bullwhip] in an
atrocious manner. Even after several weeks had passed, the doctor could still see
the weals and wounds. This deed of the commissar was too much even for the
decent persons among the Czechs and since our constant reports and
representations were in vain, the Czechs helped so that finally a commissar from
Prague arrived and put a stop to this commissar's activities.
It is also well known in what a barbarian way the owners were expelled from
their farms and houses. Ferdinand Jäckel, for instance, a farmer and
innkeeper, was working in the fields near Freudenberg, when the new Czech
owners arrived at the farm. He had to leave his property there and then, still in his
working clothes. He was a seriously wounded war veteran.
Grulich had 4,200 inhabitants, the majority of whom were catholics, with about
500 persons of protestant faith.
The population was peaceful and had lived on good terms with the Czechs during
the period of the Czechoslovak Republic. When the Czechs had left the area after
the annexation, no one had hurt a hair of their heads or taken anything from them.
The Czechs who remained had been treated well during the war and the Czech
labourers had also had good pay and working conditions. They were independent
and free to move about just like the Germans and to visit movie theatres and
restaurants. It was for this reason that the inhabitants of Grulich calmly looked
forward to the return of the Czechs after the collapse of Germany. They were
willing to work with them.
On May 22nd, at 7 o'clock in the morning, buses arrived at the market place and
heavily armed partisans got out of them. They surrounded the town and searched
every single house. They threatened the people with death if a single man would
be found hidden. All of the men were assembled in the market-place, with their
hands above their heads; later they were taken to the district administration
building, a former Czech school. A Czech commission under the leadership of
one Fiala, a gardener, and one Urban, a butcher, decided the number of strokes to
given - 50 to 200 - carried out with steel rods, whips, sticks etc. Only very few got
away without corporal punishment. Many of the men were half maddened with
pain and were bleeding so heavily that it took them hours to get home. Among
those killed were Adolf Pospischil, a youth leader, and Ernst Pabel, a young
soldier from Niederlipka, whom the Czechs had seized on the road. I lifted
the tent-cloth from the corpses at the consecration and saw that [their] heads and
the upper parts of the bodies had been beaten into a bloody mass. Pospischil had
finally received a shot of mercy. Doctor Burek is able to testify to the above.
Further persons beaten to death were: Amber, a tailor, also Schrutek, the owner of
a printing-house and district forester, because he had altered his Czech name into
a German one.
Political prisoners, functionaries of the NSDAP and other persons towards whom
the Czechs
bore ill-will were especially maltreated. In the evening after they returned from
their daily labour, they were led to
the school-yard, adjoining the parsonage, for
the so-called "evening-gymnastics", which were supervised by Czech soldiers,
allegedly former concentration camp inmates. We heard the cries of the tortured
men and could overlook the
whole school-yard through knot-holes and cracks in the boarding. First of all there
were calisthenics, accompanied by lashing
and face-slapping, after this the prisoners had to run the gauntlet. At the
beginning and at the end of each row stood Czech soldiers, who kicked the
running men in the abdomen and struck them on the back with their rifle butts. I
saw Dr. Fanckel, a lawyer, who was suffering from a nervous ailment. He was
running desperately, while the laughing soldiers kicked and beat him until he fell
to the ground and with clasped hands pleaded for mercy. As an answer he
received so many blows in the face that blood dripped from his mouth and nose.
He died in the hospital
at Mährisch-Rothwasser as a result of this treatment. The same happened
to one Hugo Grund, a butcher.
Another man was laid over a box and was beaten by two soldiers with their whips
and steel-rods until he collapsed. Afterwards cold water was poured over him and
as soon as
he came-to he was beaten again.
A Russian major, who witnessed the proceedings from a window of the school,
stopped the "evening gymnastics", so that these terrible beatings came to an
Returning soldiers in uniform were shot down by the Czechs and buried in the
open fields or in the woods. One day in May 1945 two soldiers from Austria
entered my house at noontime. I advised them to make their way only at night and
to hide themselves during the day. They probably did not take my advice, for
when I arrived at the cemetery in the evening in order to perform a consecration,
both of them had meanwhile been placed against the wall and shot.
The Germans were not allowed to use the railways; nor could they walk on the
pavement or visit each other's houses. Women who did use the pavement were
attacked even by the children, who smacked them or struck at them with sticks.
"Nemecká kurva" (German whore) was the Czech epithet for all German
women. One day at Hermsdorf some men met in an apartment for a game of
cards, when unexpectedly a
Czech search-party entered the room. The card-players, among them Hugo
Koschinger, Hugo Fischer and Josef Vogel, were terribly beaten and were
imprisoned for a long time. Hugo Fischer, who was
a war-invalid, had to have immediate medical attention after this incident.
One Sunday Miss Gertrud Wagner went to the cemetery. On her way she was
stopped by Czech soldiers and asked if she did not know that every soldier had to
be greeted by the Germans. She was then violently slapped and forced to walk up
and down in front of the soldiers, greeting them constantly.
At Eichstädt, as I was told by a man from there, 10 or 12 persons were
hanged on
the lime-trees near the church, after they had endured indescribable tortures.
Among them were Pischel, a teacher, Hentschel, the mayor and
local party-leader, and Safar, a master joiner, the last because he had taken a
German name. Pischel had his mustache burnt off, his ears and nose were severed
and his tongue torn out. He was forced to roll on the ground and was then
dreadfully beaten.
At Böhmisch-Petersdorf also about 15 persons were tortured to death.
I can guarantee all reports concerning my parish and I am prepared to take an
oath on these statements at any time.
Oberpaulowitz /
Report No. 278
Harassment of German farmer by Czech
Reported by: Max Pohl Report of July 4, 1946
On the day in November 1945 when a Czech administrator
took over my farm, I
and my family were robbed of every piece of clothing, linen, shoes and food we
owned. When I remarked, "it would be best to take a rope and hang oneself," the
Commissar beat me to the ground. Then they took me to the gendarmerie, on a
cart since I could not walk. There, the gendarmes again beat me up, and locked
me into the court prison for three weeks. When I returned from the prison, I and
my family had to vacate our farm.
Report No. 279
Internment camp Oderfurt near Moravian, May
Reported by: Steffi Lejsek Report of June 10, 1945
I was
committed to the concentration camp Oderfurt near Moravian Ostrau on May 22,
1945. Everything I had was taken from me. For the first week in the camp we got
no food at all, and everyone came down
with starvation-related dysentery. Every day someone died. During the second
and third weeks there, we received one ladle of watery soup of no nutritional
value at all each afternoon. There was no bread to be had. At the same time, however, everyone
had to work very hard (shoveling coal, etc.). The men got beatings every day, and
many were totally disfigured by them. Already on the second day I saw how
men, boys and girls aged 14 and up were whipped and
chased bare-chested in circles around the camp square.
In order to get away from the dreadful conditions in the camp, 40 women
volunteered for agricultural labor. Before we left the camp, all 40 of us were
shorn bald.
I heard nothing from my husband. On May 22 some acquaintances told me that
on May 18 they had found my husband dead in our home, and had buried him. I
am prepared to take this statement on my oath.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out