(District Neutitschein)
Report No. 191
Maltreatment, abduction into coal pits
Reported by: Hugo Ehler Report of November 24, 1946
On May 17,
1945 a Czech by the name of Klement Biskup dragged me out of
my house and locked me overnight into an empty cattle barn belonging to a
different house. He shoved and hit me. Two days later the same fellow,
Biskup, came back to my house again accompanied by Josef Hilscher from
Sponau and three other Czechs from Laudner, District Moravian
Weißkirchen. That town is also where Biskup is from. All of them were
young people between the ages of 17 and 25. Biskup ordered me to stand
outside my house door, where he stood with his revolver drawn and yelled at
me: "Hands up!" The three fellows aimed their rifles, and then he said to
Hilscher, "now give it to him," whereupon Hilscher took a rubber truncheon
out of his coat and hit me with it on my hands until they were black with
bruises. Then I had to lie down, and Hilscher beat me black and blue from my
shoulders to my ankles. Afterwards they forced me to kneel by the door while
they beat
my 74-year-old father, screamed at my wife and then searched through my
entire home, stealing even the last of our food.
On August 17, 1945 I was taken to the gendarmerie office and sent from there
to the court prison in Odrau. It is simply impossible to describe all the beatings
and abuse we were subjected to by the militia there. There was maltreatment
without end, and the rations were unfit for human consumption.
On October 15, 1945 I was transferred from the court prison to the Odrau labor
camp. The treatment we got there was the same as in the prison. On October
17 the militiaman Anton Wenzlik kicked me in the shins to the point where the
sores became infected and did not heal up until April 1946. Her also repeatedly
boxed me about the head.
On January 28, 1946 I was sent from the Odrau labor camp to the camp at
Poruba near Orlau, to the coal mine, where I had to stay until May 11, 1946.
The militia there treated us just as badly as that in Odrau.
Report No. 192
Murder of a 13-year-old schoolboy
Reported by: Franz Josef Hille and Emilie Hille Report of November 24, 1946
In February
1946 a 13-year-old schoolboy, Herbert Neumann, while on his way to visit his
grandmother, was treacherously shot by a Czech
at Groß-Schönau. The bullet penetrated the abdomen and the child was left lying in
his own blood without any help until he died after three hours of terrible suffering.
A worker by the name of Konrad, living at Groß-Schönau, was shot in the same
by a Czech in May 1946 at a place close to his house; he died a few hours later.
I, Franz Josef Hille, witnessed this incident with my own eyes in June 1945, when near the town
hall Mr. Franz Grohmann
of Groß-Schönau was thrown down the stone steps and remained lying unconscious
on the pavement. Mr. Grohmann was 72 years old. Close by stood three Czech customs officers,
who watched this act of violence and expressed their satisfaction with loud laughter.
I, Emilie Hille, saw with my own eyes how Walter Helth, an innkeeper
from Groß-Schönau, a man 60 years of age, had his face slapped and received such
severe blow on the jaw that he fell backwards and remained lying unconscious until some
men carried him away. This occurred while German inhabitants were being expelled.
Report No. 193
70-year-old woman
Reported by: Marie Adler Report of June 14, 1946
I was ordered out of my house and home on September 21,
1945. 8 days later a gendarme and a Czech administrator gave me permission to
remain in my house. I spent one night there again. The next day the police chief
from Großsichdichfür came by, boxed
me - a 70-year-old woman - twice about the head, shoved me to the ground and
kicked me.
Report No. 194
Severe maltreatment and shootings of
Reported by: Alfred Schubert Report of October 9, 1946
On Tuesday after Whitsun 1945
seven workmen between 16 and 60 years of age were taken
from the joiner's
workshop - where I was an apprentice - to the market place of Grulich, where they were
and maltreated in the most inhuman manner. At the same time other Germans were
savagely ill-treated. Three of them were shot immediately afterwards; one of them was shot by
a woman. Another man died next day as a result of his injuries. They were beaten with heavy
chains and whips. The surviving employees of the joiner's workshop were all ill for some time
after this experience, one of them had to remain in bed for three weeks, another for four
months. I personally was a witness to the events and I am prepared to take an oath on my
statement at any time.
Report No. 195
Murders in May 1945
Reported by: F. Fiedler Report of July 10, 1950
In Haida the
following Germans were shot by the Czech soldateska after first being brutally
The brothers Heinz and Albert Rachmann, owners of the glass and
metal goods factory;
engineer Richter from the glass and metal goods factory;
Frau Werner, movie house cashier;
Fräulein Werner, employee of Pistor's glass manufactory;
Herr J. Langer, shoemaker;
Herr Eduard Podbira, 83 years old, glass refiner;
(Herr E. Schowald got away by good luck).
In late May 1945, when the first Czech partisans and their Svoboda soldateska
descended upon the glass manufacturing center Haida, that horde carried out raids
on the town's inhabitants (allegedly they were searching for weapons). In the attic
of 83-year-old Eduard Podbira's glass refinery, an old bayonet was discovered
which Podbira's brother, a combatant in the Prussian War of 1866, had kept as a
souvenir, without Podbira's knowledge. For this reason 20 Germans were
arrested, and 6 of these were selected and brutally maltreated while the remaining
14 had to watch. The 6 victims, including Frau and Fräulein Werner, had to
strip naked to the waist and take their shoes off. These people had to kneel on the
pavement of the market square and were then beaten by the Czech gangsters with
rubber truncheons on their naked upper bodies and on the soles of their feet until
the poor victims collapsed unconscious. Cold water was then poured over their
heads to revive them, and the torture was continued. Albert Rachmann, who
could not bear to continue watching his younger brother Heinz being tortured like
that, tried to flee in the direction of the Czirnich pharmacy, but was caught by the
Czechs and forced to undergo the same torture. This maltreatment went on until
daybreak, when
the half-dead victims were shot by these Czech savages on the market square of
Haida. The other 13 scapegoats were then abducted to the vicinity of Rumburg.
the brother-in-law of the murdered Rachmann brothers, language teacher
Lehmann from Haida.
(District Friedland)
Report No. 196
Murder of two young girls at Easter 1946
Reported by: Ernst Jesensky Report of May 15, 1950
My name is Ernst
Jesensky and I was born on September 4th, 1908 at Haindorf, district Friedland,
where I owned a transport business. When the Czechs moved in, there commenced a reign of
terror: daily arrests, house searches, lootings, the taking of hostages and harassment of all kinds.
Many people committed suicide. It would involve a much too detailed description if I were to
report all the cases of those who were taken to the woods, beaten to death, shot and buried
ceremony. The mayor of the town, Dir. Hornischer, was one among many
who - in order to avoid torture - threw himself from the third floor and died of his injuries.
I myself had to work with a firm preparing wood for generators. Later on I became ill and was
afterwards employed as a chauffeur until I was transferred to Germany.
At Easter 1946 my daughter and her cousin took a walk with two of their schoolmates; on their
way they were suddenly attacked by armed Czechs and shot down without cause. The girls took
bullets in the head, neck and chest and died immediately, the boys received
slight chest- and head-wounds and were able to flee and report the matter, otherwise this
crime - like many others - would never have come out. When we arrived at the camp (Neustadt
a. d. Tafelfichte) in order to be transferred, we were not allowed to use the transport bound for
Bavaria, but had to wait seven weeks in the camp until the first transport left for the Russian
It was also intended to intern us and for this reason we were taken to the internment camp at
Friedland; it was, however, overcrowded and we were not admitted. During an inspection of our
luggage and a search of our personal belongings, the clothes and the coat of my murdered
daughter were taken away from me, among other things.
(near Hohenelbe)
Report No. 197
Daughter was raped
Reported by: Anna Stanek
Report of August 18, 1950
On July 5
[1945?] my daughter was thrown out of her home with only 10
minutes' notice. Then she was taken to the Russian camp. During the night a
young Mongol came with a flashlight and wanted a blonde woman. But his
potential victim had
her brother-in-law there to protect her. So then he went to my daughter; she
resisted. He tore everything she wore off her body, kneeled on her and choked
her until she turned blue. Her child was screaming, so he grabbed it and threw
it against the wall. Six men watched everything he did to my daughter. On July
8 they left again. The
same [Mongol?] confiscated all my
daughter's possessions in Reichenberg. Ever since then both my daughter and
her child are ill. They are now in the Eastern
Zone [East Germany]. The child is in a
tuberculosis sanatorium and my daughter suffers from heart trouble.
(near Tachau)
Report No. 198
Maltreatment on the grounds of false
Reported by: Dr. Hampel Report of July 3, 1946
I was
arrested by the local gendarmerie on February 13 of this year at
my father-in-law's home in Hals near Tachau. A protocol was written up as I
watched, and in it I was accused of the most monstrous crimes, allegedly on the
basis of some denunciation. Even the simplest investigation would have shown
the falsehood of these claims within only a few hours. I was asked about each of
the several points of the protocol, and my every "No" was countered by a blow
with a dog whip. When I finally said that all these accusations had to have been
prompted by an error or a denunciation, this resulted in my interrogators yanking
me into an adjoining room, where I was beaten with a stick and the dog whip
until I blacked out. Then I was imprisoned in the Tachau camp, in a small
unfurnished room. The food rations were totally insufficient, and food parcels
from the outside world were forbidden. After 5 weeks I was so weak that I could
hardly remain on my feet. With the help of repeated interventions by my family
doctor and the official Czech physician who knew that I was suffering from a
tropical disease, I finally managed to persuade the camp administration to grant
me a proper questioning, which quickly established my innocence. On April 7,
1946 I was released to go home. On my arrest I had been relieved of
approximately 3,000 RM and 10,000 Czech crowns. Some of this money were
business funds belonging to
my father-in-law, who was still working as an architect. I was not given a receipt.
When I was released, I got only a few hundred crowns back.
Report No. 199
Maltreatment in the Hannsdorf concentration
Reported by: Emil Tegel Report of June 23, 1946
On May 30 of last year I was
arrested in Hannsdorf and detained in the prison
there until October 28. On my committal I was punched so badly that I
collapsed. Then I was also kicked. The guards were very often drunk, and then
they would beat the inmates with bullwhips. I myself was beaten up at least 2 to
3 times weekly. Six times the totally drunk guards came into our sleeping-hall
shortly before midnight, tore down all the bed frames and threw our clothes all
over the place. They smashed the dishes against the wall. Then they gave us an
hour to reconstruct the bedsteads, without tools, and to restore order to the room
while constantly urging us to greater speed with their bullwhips. We had no
opportunity to complain about these excesses by the guards. One time the crew
from the Blanik Armored Train came to the camp and raged among the inmates,
many of whom were covered in blood afterwards. After I had been in the camp
for three months, the gendarmerie interrogated me about my political activities.
They were unable to give me a reason for my arrest. Another two months later I
was released.
(near Olbersdorf)
Report No. 200
Barbarous treatment of an old man
Reported by: Marie Menzel Report of September 30, 1946
On August
14th, 1945, the majority of the farmers at Heinzendorf near Olbersdorf were removed
to the camp at Jägerndorf. We had to leave the house within 15 minutes and could
take almost nothing with us. At the same time
my 77-year-old husband was beaten badly about the head by four Czechs, so that he bled
from an
open wound. In addition they struck him in the side with the butt of a rifle. In the camp at
Jägerndorf the men had to lie on the bare concrete floor. I tried very hard to get my
into the infirmary, but the doctor rejected him. It was not until August 21st that they
into the ward. The following day he died of his injuries.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out