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Report No. 92
Severe abuse in the camp
Reported by: Hans Strobl Report of June 26, 1946
Complying with the
official instructions, my family and I reported to the Prague
Police on May 9, 1945, and were detained for 14 days in Pankraz, where all of us
inmates were grossly maltreated. On May 26 I was sent from there to
Theresienstadt with a transport of 600 prisoners - men, women and children
alike. On our arrival we were all brutally beaten, quite arbitrarily, with cudgels,
axe handles, rifle butts etc. 59 men were beaten to death in the process; most of
them were older men who couldn't run fast enough. In the time following, about
200 people died of the consequences of maltreatment.
Where I myself am concerned, my elbow joint was smashed and my ulna and
radius bones were broken during the abuse I suffered. There was no medical aid.
It was not until August 25, three months later, that I was admitted to the
Leitmeritz Hospital to be operated. I then had to spend five months in the
Report No. 93
A prisoner's eyewitness account
Reported by: Eduard Fritsch (Theresienstadt)
May 24, 1945 transport from Prague brought nearly 600 people of various ages
and political orientations to Theresienstadt. All of them expected to be
released to go home again after just a brief stay. At the gate to the fortress, the
transport was segregated into men and youths, women and children, ill people
and war-disabled. After a Czech wearing a Red Cross armband addressed us
and treated us to a litany of all the evils the SS had committed in
Theresienstadt, we were herded into the fortress. Many of us were already
beaten during this procession. The path to Square 4 consists in part of a fairly
long gate entrance sloping down to the square, and former inmates of the
Theresienstadt concentration camp waited for us there to either side of the
path. They were armed
with iron-reinforced hoe handles, and it is difficult to describe what took place
here. The approximately 10 meter (30 ft.) long gate entrance was lined with
writhing, convulsing human bodies, who were screaming and whom we could
not help, for none of us got through without a beating. The Czechs deliberately
beat us on the kidney area and the back of the head. In the square itself, the
remaining arrivals had to line up in rows of five and conduct their own head
count. Since this took too long for the commandant of the fortress, Prusa, he
took over the head count himself, by hitting each of us on the head with
his iron-reinforced handle and counting as he went. It is not hard to understand
why not many of us were left afterwards in the row that had been counted by
Prusa. I chanced a glimpse towards the gate entrance, and a glimpse
backwards. It was a gruesome sight. The ground was littered with people
moaning in agony, and those who were silent were already dead. One of
my cell-mates from Prankraz prison in Prague lay there with his skull smashed.
Another man from Munich stood alone and quite helpless by the garbage pit.
He was covered in bood from head to toe, forgot to join
the line-up, and was driven to our line with constant blows. He walked with
difficulty, dragging his feet, and the blows just rained down on his body. It was
amazing that he managed to bear up under this treatment. We noticed that
those who were beaten to the ground did not get up again. They were then
beaten entirely to death. Those of us who managed to survive this procedure
then had to stand facing the wall, hands raised, from about 9 o'clock until 5
o'clock p.m. Around noon it began to rain, and the water ran in our sleeves and
out the bottom. Whenever anyone lowered his arms that was taken as a cause
for the henchmen to knock our heads against the wall. During this time no
doubt each of us decided that if we were not beaten to death or shot soon, we
would commit suicide.
Evening came, and we were distributed among the cells. 480 men were
crowded like sardines into our cell. Night fell, we heard shots outside, and
screams, and we waited until it was to be our turn. Many were taken out and
never returned. The next day we were disinfected and deloused. A strip of hair
was shorn off from the forehead to the nape with a shaving machine. The
Czechs called this shorn strip "Hitler Street". Then we had to run across the
square naked to be issued our prison uniforms, which were dirty and
often blood-stained. The next day, labor teams were sent out to various places
to work. Together with some other men, I was ordered to clean up
the solitary-confinement cells where those who had been beaten to death still
lay. The floor was covered inches deep with coagulated
blood, cut-off ears, knocked-out teeth, chunks of scalp with hair still on them,
dentures, and the like. The stench from the blood etc. soon made it impossible
for us to wash the cells and hallways. After two to three days many of the men
on our cleaning team began to show growths and swellings on their back, neck,
head and arms. Their heads looked like masks, all swollen up, eyes bulging
out, lips thick, ears sticking out, the entire head swollen far beyond normal
size, they were a heartbreaking sight. After two days I was ordered to report to
the sick-bay. This facility consisted of
five one-man cells. Each was occupied by up to five men, some lying down,
some squatting or sitting on the floor. It was there that I saw something that
utterly horrified me: patients from these cells were stripped naked and laid on
a gurney, and then the doctor gave them an injection
of some fast-acting poison. These people died within a minute. I admit that this
injection was a release for many, but there were also people among them who
could easily have been cured. It was the commandant of the fortress who had
ordered that the sick people were to be disposed of in this manner. Many of my
acquaintances ended like that.
For the first while, the
rations we received consisted of coffee and soup containing potato and some
rotten meat, some of which was riddled with clumps of maggots. This rotten
meat, which was sold by shops specializing in substandard goods, was fed to us
for three months. After the German salt stores had been used up, salt shortage
began. In August 1945 a day's rations consisted of
a half-liter of soup (read: unsalted water), with a few little pieces of potato if
you were lucky. Also 6.3 ounces of bread. Despite these meager rations the
internees had to do very hard work, such as digging graves
etc. - and some barely had the strength to lift their hoe. Typhus raged among
the prisoners. Great hunger was our constant companion. We had to dig up
mass graves, retrieve the corpses and put them in coffins with our bare
hands - all this accompanied by intense August heat and the penetrating stench
of the decomposing bodies, constant hunger, and we were even beaten while
we worked, some of us were even beaten to death. Due to the danger of
cholera our overseers urged us to work faster and faster, and these conditions
soon drove us to despair.
One execution method favored by the Czechs involved one Czech stepping
into a rope loop and holding it down with his foot. The rope was then placed
around the prisoner's neck, and at the other end of the rope was a second loop
into which a truncheon was put. This truncheon was used to gradually tighten
the rope, and in this way the victim was slowly asphyxiated.
It was not until the Russian camp command learned of these conditions that
investigative commissions were dispatched, who actually took energetic
The iron-reinforced truncheons were burned. The lethal injections stopped, and
we began to be treated somewhat more humanely.
I came away from this prison camp with a pelvic injury, a broken nasal bone,
an injured arm, and I lost all my teeth in my upper right jaw - and I consider
myself fortunate not to have suffered even worse injuries.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out