Beyer, Kurt, 10 years old, belonging to the murder case
of the family of the gardener Beyer.
Together with the child were murdered:
his 44-year-old father Friedrich B., the brother, Heinz B., aged 21 years,
and the gardening boy Thiede, 22 years of age.
Picture (a) shows one of the two pistol shots which penetrated through
the thorax, neither of them of a serious nature. The aperture caused by the shot
is marked for photographic purposes by powdering the skin,
considerably discoloured through decomposition.
Picture (b) shows the completely smashed right forearm,
possibly a bullet injury; in this case, however, the possibility
of the injury having been caused by a blunt weapon cannot be excluded.
In addition to this, an injury in the region of the left eyebrow
has been ascertained (marked with arrow).
According to the evidence of witnesses corroborated in its entirety
by forensic findings, the boy, who received his injuries in the dusk
of the "Blood Sunday" on Sept. 3, 1939, remained in an open field
side by side with the bodies of his relatives
and died only on the following morning between 8 and 10 a.m.
(Autopsy No. Br. 100 [OKW. H. S. In.])