Schmiede, Erich, 43 years, belonging to
the murder group of the
Schmiede-Rabisch family
in the suburb of Bromberg-Großbartelsee;
father of 10 children, murdered together with his night watchman Rabisch,
64 years, and his gardening boy Ristau.
Penetrating shot through trunk from right gluteal fold
to right upper region of thorax with further shot through right upper arm.
From the 6 injuries received, only one, a shot at the victim in flight
from the sole of the left foot to the thigh, could have hit the victim
whilst he occupied an upright position. Attention should be drawn
to the aim taken, i.e. the gluteal region of the dying man's body.
(Autopsy No. Br. 95 [OKW. H. S. In.])