
Illustrated Reports by Medico-Legal Experts

Murder victim Hedwig Jeschke.

Jeschke, Hedwig, married, 47 years.
belonging to the Eichdorf-Netzheim group of murders.
Together with her were murdered: the 54-year-old Max J.,
the 19-year-old maid Else Dahms,
and the 20-year-old farm-hand Kurt Kempf.

Rifle bullet injury of cranium, smashing effect proving use of an army rifle. Corresponding entrance aperture of bullet at occiput.

(Autopsy No. Br. 79 [OKW. H. S. In.])

The Polish Atrocities
Against the German Minority in Poland.

Edited and published by order of the Foreign Office
and based upon documentary evidence.
Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt.