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Excerpt from: Michael Walsh, Round One to the Barbarians. eBook, © 2005. pp.117-119.
Online here.

Announced on or before December 31, 1941.

November 1936: "Germany is too strong. We must destroy her." Winston Churchill.

March 1939. Poland already occupying German territory occupied after World War 1 invades her smaller neighbour Czechoslovakia.

1st September 1939. Following numerous and well documented Polish violations of Germany's borders and refusal to negotiate, Germany retaliates.

The following table sets forth the declarations of war and the recognitions of the state of war beginning with the Polish attack on Germany on 31st Aug/1st September 1939 and through 1941.

For convenience the term "on" is used to indicate for example that Great Britain declared war on Germany. Where time is given it is the time used in the capital of the declaring country.

Poland Declared War on Germany at Midnight 31st August - 1st Sept 1939. [See the German White Book]
Great Britain on Germany     September 3, 1939, 11 a.m.
France on Germany   September 3, 1939, 5 p.m.
India on Germany   September 3, 1939
Australia on Germany   September 3, 1939
New Zealand on Germany   September 3, 1939
Union of South Africa on Germany   September 6, 1939
Canada on Germany   September 10, 1939
Norway and Germany   No formal declaration of war
Belgium and Germany   No formal declaration of war
Luxembourg and Germany   No formal declaration of war
The Netherlands on Germany   May 10, 1940
Italy on France   June 10, 1940
Canada on Italy   June 10, 1940
New Zealand on Italy   June 11, 1940
Australia on Italy   June 11, 1940
Union of South Africa on Italy   June 11, 1940
Greece on Italy   October 28,1940
Germany and Greece   No formal declaration of war
Germany on Yugoslavia   April 6, 1941
Italy and Yugoslavia   No formal declaration of war
Yugoslavia on Bulgaria   April 6, 1941
Yugoslavia on Hungary   April 10, 1941
Bulgaria on Greece   April 24, 1941
Bulgaria on Yugoslavia   April 24, 1941
Germany on USSR   June 22, 1941
Italy on USSR   June 22, 1941
Rumania on USSR   No formal declaration of war
Finland on USSR   No formal declaration of war
Hungary on USSR   June 27, 1941
Great Britain on Rumania   December 7, 1941
Great Britain on Hungary   December 7, 1941
Canada on Finland   December 7, 1941
Canada on Rumania   December 7, 1941
Canada on Hungary   December 7, 1941
Australia on Finland   December 8, 1941
Australia on Rumania   December 8, 1941
Australia on Hungary   December 8, 1941
Union of South Africa on Finland   December 8, 1941
Union of South Africa on Rumania   December 8, 1941
Union of South Africa on Hungary   December 8, 1941
New Zealand on Finland   December 7, 1941
New Zealand on Hungary   December 7, 1941
New Zealand on Rumania   December 7, 1941
Japan on the United States   December 7, 1941
Japan on the British Empire   December 7, 1941
Great Britain on Japan   December 8, 1941
The United States on Japan   December 8, 1941
Canada on Japan   December 8, 1941, as of December 7, 1941
Costa Rica on Japan   December 8, 1941
Dominican Republic on Japan   December 8, 1941
Guatemala on Japan   December 8, 1941
Haiti on Japan    December 8, 1941
Honduras on Japan   December 8, 1941
El Salvador on Japan   December 8, 1941
Panama on Japan   December 8, 1941
Cuba on Japan   December 9, 1941
The Netherlands on Japan   December 8, 1941
The Netherlands Indies on Japan   December 8, 1941
China on Japan   December 9, 1941
China on Germany   December 9, 1941
China on Italy   December 9, 1941
Union of South Africa on Japan   December 8, 1941
Australia on Japan   December 8, 1941
Free France on Japan   December 8, 1941
Germany on the United States   December 11, 1941
Italy on the United States   December 11, 1941
The United States on Germany   December 11, 1941
The United States on Italy   December 11, 1941
Costa Rica on Germany and Italy   December 11, 1941
Guatemala on Germany and Italy   December 11, 1941
Cuba on Germany and Italy   December 11, 1941
Nicaragua on Germany, Italy and Japan   December 11, 1941
Poland on Japan   December 11, 1941
Dominican Republic on Germany and Italy   December 11, 1941
Haiti on Germany and Italy   December 12, 1941
Honduras on Germany and Italy   December 12, 1941
El Salvador on Germany and Italy   December 12, 1941
Panama on Germany and Italy   December 12, 1941
Rumania on the United States   December 12, 1941
Bulgaria on the United States   December 13, 1941
Bulgaria on Great Britain   December 13, 1941
Hungary on the United States   December 13, 1941
Czechoslovakia on all countries that are in
a state of war with Great Britain, theUnited
States, or the USSR
  December 16, 1941
Albania on the United States   December 17, 1941
Nicaragua on Bulgaria, Hungary, & Rumania   December 20, 1941
Belgium on Japan   December 20, 1941
Haiti on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania   December 24, 1941
Great Britain on Bulgaria   December 27, 1941, as of December 13, 1941
The Netherlands on Italy   December 30, 1941, as of December 11, 1941
Union of South Africa on Bulgaria   December 31, 1941, as of December 13, 1941

[Scriptorium adds, rhetorically:
      So who declared war on whom?
      Who really started the Second World War?
      Was it who you believed it was?
      And... where does Germany stand primarily? In the ranks of the attackers or the attacked?