Worm in the Apple
German Traitors and Other Influences
That Pushed the World Into War:
The little-known story of the men who destroyed Adolf Hitler's Germany
Friedrich Lenz
17. The brothers Erich and Theodor Kordt
We must also recall two men who performed the work of most serious consequence of all the
treasonous machinations: the brothers Erich and Theo Kordt, Secretary of State
Weizsäcker's 'right-hand men'. Prior to the events of Munich, the conclusion of the
German-Russian Pact, and the outbreak of the war with Poland, they had taken it upon
to apprise Halifax and Vansittart of all those important secrets of state which they had learned
through their activities in the Foreign Office and through carefully sounding out those men
to Hitler. They proceeded in this so cleverly that one might even admire the technical side of
operations. They made old Hagen seem
like a choir-boy in the way he coaxed Krimhilde into giving up her secret. The description of
actions in Erich Kordt's book Nicht aus den Akten would make any decent German
despair at the perfidy and downright stupidity with
which Germans - members of our own nation! - betrayed vital state secrets to Britain's most
powerful man, a man who for three decades was known to everyone as the worst
of all German-haters, the man for whom the word 'Vansittartism' was coined and who held the
position of 'advisor to HM government'. And not only that: the Kordts also urged this man to take
measures against their own Head of State, after first having slandered him most vilely. And at
same time they promised, as instructed, to arrange the overthrow of their own Head of State!
Of their own? Well, no, since they no longer had one;
after all, they had written Hitler off long
before. No - it was the Head of State of the German people, that man who on August 19, 1934
called for a referendum to approve the laws which, after the death of Reich President von
Hindenburg, had elevated him on August 2, 1934 to the position of Head of State with the
of all 14 Ministers, including seven from the 'bourgeoisie'. The reason Hitler had given for this referendum is too typical of him to leave out here: "What I want is that the entrustment of the Reich
Presidency to myself and hence to the office of Reich Chancellor per se, as decided on
implemented in constitutionally lawful manner by the Cabinet, shall have the express sanction of
the German people. In the conviction that all state authority is based on the will of the people
must be confirmed by them in a free and secret election, I request that you will submit the
Cabinet's Resolution to the German people, to vote on in a free referendum." 90% of all
eligible to vote cast their ballot in favor of the Cabinet's bill. Who dares deny that those who
betrayed this Head of State also betrayed the nation led by him?
On September 5, 1938, when the first instance of treason was perpetrated, the traitors did not
have any proof that Hitler really wanted war at any price. Or do they suggest that the demand for
the return
of the three-and-one-half million Sudeten-Germans - a demand which was made with decisive
emphasis only after so many prior,
disappointing denials - was unfounded, or an attack on the freedom of the British, for whose
benefit the German state secrets were betrayed? Or could the brothers Kordt perhaps name those
Englishmen who betrayed Britain because Britain took her numerous colonies away from other
peoples, or because Britain fought for centuries against the freedom of the Irish, or because she
attacked Copenhagen in peacetime, or because she waged war on the Boers and incarcerated
in concentration camps, or because she waged the Opium War or fought against the Sepoys?
will not be able to name anyone.
But when the brothers Kordt bragged of their honorable activities in Nuremberg, Mr. Vansittart
claimed: I do not know these people! What luck that Mr. Halifax was there to act as unequivocal
witness; otherwise the brothers could never have rested easy again, having been deprived of the
honour of seeing their treason clearly confirmed. It is confirmed, however, and will
as a perpetual reminder of disgrace for Germany. Nevertheless, Dr. Theo Kordt holds the
of Ambassadorial Aide in the Federal German
Foreign Service - and it is because of this
background that the Investigative Committee saw fit
to re-use him. Erich Kordt's present
whereabouts are unknown to me. However, I have no doubt that things are going well for him,
that he is persona gratissima.
Before I conclude this chapter, I just want to quote what Mr. Vansittart said to Herr Kordt on
August 31, 1939:
"England will wage this war right to the end, and like Samson in the Bible we will tear
down the pillars of the palace and bury everything beneath the rubble!"
Worm in the Apple
German Traitors and Other Influences That Pushed the World Into War:
The little-known story of the men who destroyed Adolf Hitler's Germany