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Worm in the Apple German Traitors and Other Influences That Pushed the World Into War: The little-known story of the men who destroyed Adolf Hitler's Germany Friedrich Lenz 6. Munich, the Protectorate, and the British guarantee to Poland ![]()
Those Germans who criticize the establishment of the Protectorate as an act of force and thus as a deed of Hitler's to be condemned, I would ask to consider the following:
2. After 'Munich', however, the remainder of Czechoslovakia evinced not only tendencies to dissolve further (since Slovakia and the Carpathian Ukraine wished to secede), but also exhibited pronounced anti-German tendencies, which threatened to pose a danger to Germany. Evidence for this is available.19 3. In 1930, the well-known politician Peter Rohrbach wrote in Deutschland - Tod oder Leben: "One day, when Austria is joined with the Reich, when the platitude of 'one people - two nations' has been thrown into the dustbin of history, the territory of the unified German national state will surround Czechoslovakia to the point where the latter will have to try to get along with Germany." That Czechoslovakia did exactly the opposite, despite the warnings which Hitler expressed in his conversation with the Czech Foreign Minister on September 28, 1938, is no-one's fault but Czechoslovakia's. 4. As early as February 1939 - weeks before the Protectorate was created - a leading British daily published a remarkable editorial about the rump state that was left to the Czechs after Munich. This state, it said, was not viable in the long term. Both geographically as well as economically, it was so tightly surrounded by the German Reich that it would perforce have to merge with Germany sooner or later; one might deem this development regrettable, but it was past stopping. England had started something in Munich, and would now have to finish it. 5. Bohemia and Moravia had already once been part of the German Empire, and for fully 1000 years. 6. Hitler will have recalled the famous statement made by his great predecessor, Bismarck: "The master of Bohemia is the master of Central Europe." 7. To quote the British envoy Henderson: "The opening was too good for Hitler's opportunism not to take advantage of it." 8. In light of the fact that the Czechs did not have the position of an oppressed minority in the Protectorate, but rather that of a largely independent people, I would second Ambassador Abetz in saying: "Anyone who deemed it right that until September 1938 three-and-one-half million Germans were forced against their will into national coexistence with six-and-one-half million Czechs had no right to object against these six-and-one-half million Czechs in turn being assimilated against their wish in April 1939 into a state with eighty million Germans."
9. Anyone who wishes to criticize the 'method' with which
Hitler persuaded the Czech President Hacha to accept the terms of the Protectorate
10. It would be better for the world if today's master of Bohemia were Germany rather than the Soviet Union, and the Czech people would doubtless be happy if the times of the 'Protectorate' could come again. 11. On March 15, Chamberlain declared in the House of Commons that the British guarantee for Czechoslovakia could not be invoked, since the state whose national borders England had meant to guarantee had disintegrated and the intended guarantee had thus lapsed. HM Government could thus no longer consider itself bound by these obligations.
"To have deviated in this matter so far from our traditional ideals as I have done on Friday on the orders of HM Government in fact constitutes so significant a milestone in British politics that I feel I can safely say that this decision will be accorded a chapter by itself, once it is time to write history..."
Even Secretary of State v. Weizsäcker, hardly a fan of Hitler's, commented thus: "How
could those in London think that such an act would serve the cause of peace? Do they think they
can publicly intimidate Hitler, spoiled and dazzled as he is by external successes? And do they
think that this is the way to exhort the Polish government to caution? I did not believe it, and the
British Ambassador agreed with me. The British Minister and later Ambassador Duff Cooper put
it thus: never before in history had Great Britain granted a nation of inferior rank the power to
decide whether England was to join in a war or not. Now, precisely this decision was left up to a
small group of people who, with the possible exception of Colonel Beck, were completely
unknown in England. And even tomorrow these unknowns might order the start of a European
Notes 18In 1946 Edouard Herriot stated: "There were two reasons for Munich: 1. England would not and could not mobilize at the time: she was not ready. Only after the German attack on Poland did she decide to take the initiative. 2. In those days the French people wanted peace at any price. They had been exposed to a certain anti-militaristic propaganda for years!" ...back... 19As early as 1918 in Versailles, Czech politicians had justified the need for the state of Czechoslovakia by pointing out that its geographic location would naturally make it Germany's arch-enemy. The French Minister of Aviation, Pierre Cot, confirmed that in the case of war, Czechoslovakia, by virtue of its proximity, was intended to serve as runway for bomber-planes bound for German towns and industrial sites. And finally, the Czech Member of Parliament, Slansky, stated: "We Communists are working unwaveringly towards our goal, the Soviet Republic, whose Head will be Klement Gottwald." (From Auch Du warst dabei by Peter Kleist.) ...back...
20In his book Germany Between Two Wars: A
Study of Propaganda
and War-Guilt, Mr. Lindley Fraser now attempts to trivialize the fateful significance of this
guarantee by pointing out that it was given on March 31, whereas Poland had already turned
down the German offers on March 26. However, he neglects to mention that as early as March
the British Ambassador had lodged a diplomatic protest with the Polish Foreign Minister Beck,
order to torpedo the German offers to Poland of March 21. The following day, Poland
its mobilization. (From the account of the British historian Prof. Namier.) ...back... |