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Report No. 78
Report about the events of
Reported by: Emil Breuer Report of July 1948
On May 9th,
1945 the Russians marched into Reichenberg. About noontime, without any
reason, Russian aeroplanes bombed the town
and machine-gunned the columns of refugees and others on the roads. Russian
soldiers forced their way into the houses and looted stores and apartments.
The Czechs, who in the meantime had arrived at Reichenberg, participated in the
lootings. They drove up to the solitary villas at night, in their trucks, they
threatened the residents with pistols and carried off whatever seemed to them of
value. At the same time the Czech Revolutionary Guards (RG) started their
pernicious activities. Germans were stopped in the streets, on their way to and
from work and their watches and jewellery taken away; they were assaulted and
locked up in cellars. In some cases they were even shipped off for forced labour.
Sometimes they were obliged to take off their shoes and stockings and to walk
barefoot to work. One day towards the end of May, at 7 o'clock in the morning,
everyone was stopped at the Tuchplatz in Reichenberg; they were driven out of
the street-cars and then deprived of their shoes and stockings. Many of the men
were placed against the wall and two of them were shot. The others owed their
lives to a Russian officer who intervened and stopped this Czech "justice".
Germans had to dig mass-graves and to fill them up again. More than a thousand
men had to make a so-called hunger-march, starting from Gablonz/Neisse, for
several days, during which many of them collapsed from exhaustion or hunger
and died in the ditch. A Russian officer had been shot in the town and the
Germans were being punished collectively. Later on a Ukrainian was identified as
the culprit. On May 24, at noontime, two Russian soldiers and an interpreter
seized me at my apartment. Together with other Germans I was put into the
Russian section of the local jail at Reichenberg. Next morning we had to march to
Ratschendorf. There we were all briefly interrogated by a Russian major; about
noontime we were allowed to return home. Our treatment was absolutely
On the afternoon of June 7th, 1945, after my apartment had been searched, I was
taken to the office of the Revolutionary Guard. From there I was driven by car to
house No. 22 in Gablonzer Str., where I was led to the second floor. The door was
scarcely shut behind me, when I received violent blows in the face; my glasses
were knocked off and a part of my false teeth was broken. Notwithstanding my
age of 60 years, two men struck me with rubber-truncheons and [bullwhips] on
my head, chest and back. In tearing off my tie they almost choked me to death.
Each question by Dr. Rokos, who interrogated me, was accompanied by a blow.
A typist watched this maltreatment, smiling. I was ordered to give him the names
of members of the "Werwolf-organization", but first I had to take off my jacket
and my shoes and lay myself on the table; in order to extort a confession they
used instruments of torture on my back and the soles of my feet. Since I was
unable to name members of this organization, the ill-treatment was brought to an
end with the threat that my whole family would be shot before my eyes at 8
o'clock next morning, unless I gave the names required. I was then flung down the
steps into a cellar, where I landed on a heap of straw. I was lacerated and
exhausted. I found myself in the company of fellow-sufferers who had preceded
Many severely maltreated persons lay there in the cellar. Thereafter, day after
day, inmates were taken out into the cellar-passage and abused in such a way that
they returned half-dead and covered with blood. Even those among us who were
war-invalids were not spared. The number of the imprisoned persons in the cellar
soon exceeded 50, among them 2 women. There was not enough room for all of
us to lie down at the same time, we had to sleep in turns.
On June 10 Dr. Fritz Werner, a physician from Reichenberg, Johannesthal, was
brought in. Through the cellar-door we could hear every single word of his
interrogation, which took place in the passage outside. He was being confronted
with some of the other prisoners. We heard his cries of pain and his prayers for
mercy, but the maltreatment continued. Whenever he collapsed cold water was
poured over him and as soon as he came to the torturing began again. Finally his
cries ceased - for ever.
Following is a translation of the record of an examination, as made in the police
department of the Revolutionary Guard at Jung-Bunzlau, to determine the cause
of death of Dr. Fritz Werner:
Reichenberg, June 10th, 1945
Record of examination:
On June 10th, 1945, at 7 p.m. I
examined the corpse of a man, 164 cm. (5' 5"] tall, about 60 years of age, a little
stout. It was Dr. Fritz Werner, physician at Reichenberg, in whose possession a
document was found, dated August 1st, 1944, recording that as an officer he had
received from Adolf Hitler the cross for distinguished services to the German
nation (Verdienstkreuz II. Kl.)
I noticed blue marks on the
chest and the face, the results of a contusion, as well as a gaping wound on the
left side close to the spine. The chest was undamaged. [Pupils dilated, pulse not
palpable], no breath reaction on mirror.
[Cause of] death: Commotio
cerebi propter apoplexiam cerebi ac. Vulnus contusioni lacerum regionis occip.
lat. sin.
Signed Dr. Rocus m.p.
Policejní oddĕlení R. G.
Velitelství Ml. Boleslav.
On June 10, 1945, after being
brought in for confrontation, Dr. Fritz Werner, physician at Reichenberg, died of
apoplexy of the brain. The cremation took place at the crematorium at
Reichenberg on June 11th, 1945. The record of examination is attached.
Reichenberg, June
21st, 1945.
Local judicial commission at Reichenberg
July 12, 1945.
To Mrs. Liese Werner, Reichenberg.
Your demand of June 26th,
1945, for delivery of the urn containing the ashes of your husband, who was
cremated in the local crematorium on June 20, 1945, will be met, provided that
the urn be interred in the family vault at the local cemetery.
The director of the office
The Chairman
(stamp and signature)
On June 13 almost all of the imprisoned persons were briefly interrogated and
divided into groups. About 11 o'clock in the evening I was taken to the district
court building at Reichenberg together with 21 other prisoners. We were forced to
kiss a defaced Hitler-picture and then, completely naked, to kneel for hours in the
cold and draughty gangway with our hands above our heads, while the [thugs]
who had brought us in beat us with steel rods, rubber-truncheons and [bullwhips].
All this happened in the presence and with the co-operation of the wardens of the
district-prison. The marks of the ill-treatment were visible on us for weeks. I
myself had an effusion of blood in the left eye as a result.
Night after night Germans were brought to the prison and abused in the same
Our cell No. 59 was intended to house five men, but at the beginning of our
imprisonment there were nine of us and soon afterwards twenty. We slept for
weeks in our light summer-clothing on the rough boards. Finally we received a
few blankets and palliasses which we used as pillows. Our daily diet consisted of
a thin soup, coffee and 150 g of bread. It was absolutely insufficient and we
became enfeebled within a short time. Inside a few weeks we lost up to 30 kilos
(66 pounds) in weight. The only thing of which we had an abundance was
maltreatment. Especially during the so-called "walks" in the prison-yard, which
were combined with gymnastics requiring great muscular strength, we were
regularly beaten. Whenever, as a result of the enfeeblement, anyone failed in the
exercises, the wardens had a welcome reason for abusing him. On Sundays, in
addition to the wardens, men of the Revolutionary Guard participated in the
At the end of August the soup became a little bit better and the daily bread ration
increased. Furthermore the relatives of the prisoners were allowed to deliver
every week a parcel of food, weighing not more than 2 kilos (4.4 pounds). Those
German women cannot be sufficiently praised who, in spite of the small rations
for Germans, were able to save their husbands and sons from starvation by these
additional food-supplies. Some of the women had to carry their parcel as much as
30 kilometers (20 miles), since no Germans were allowed to use the railways. But
in many cases this help was already too late. Cases of death in consequence of
starvation or enfeeblement or of insufficient medical attendance are reported not
only from the district-prison at Reichenberg but from all other camps and
Even before I was arrested at the end of May, it had been announced that all
Germans, who had arrived in Sudeten German territories after the 1st of October
1938, would have to leave Reichenberg and could take only 30 kilos (66 pounds)
with them. Anyone not observing the order promptly would then be allowed no
more than 20 and later on no more than 10 kilos (22 pounds). The local
authorities confirmed by word of mouth to those Sudeten Germans who had
moved to Reichenberg that this order would only concern the so-called
Reichs-Germans who had not lived in the Czechoslovak Republic before
My second daughter, who had been sent for four weeks to an absolutely Czech
region for agricultural labour, had just returned when she was forced to leave her
homeland without having the opportunity of bidding farewell to her 60-year-old
father in prison. All she was allowed to take was a rucksack containing
underwear. The same thing also happened to other relatives of ours. Before they
had even reached the border they were deprived by the Czechs of a number of
their personal possessions; their savings-bank books and personal documents
were destroyed; they had also to take off their shoes and stockings and to
continue the march across the border barefoot. Sheets and mattresses were torn
out of perambulators and the milk for the babies was poured out on the
My imprisonment at the district-prison at Reichenberg left me in a state of
complete exhaustion. Probably as a result of my condition I was transferred to the
camp at Reichenberg. I was so enfeebled that even the short march from the
prison to the camp cost me a great deal. At the camp I received more food. The
larger rations - food which was given to me by fellow-prisoners working outside
the camp, and also supplies which my family had smuggled into the camp -
quickly strengthened me. The out-of-door activities in sun and open air did the
rest. A few days later I, too, had to start working. At some of our places of work
we received additional meals. The only exceptions were the local administrative
authorities who either gave nothing or distributed to the Germans the leavings
scraped together from the plates of the municipal employees. The pilots
sometimes gave us only a thin soup and other times so much food that we were
able to take a great deal of it back to the camp for our comrades.
At the aerodrome there were dust-bins near the billets. These dust-bins had to be
emptied from time to time. We always looked forward to this moment, since we
often found pounds of bread and pastry as well as cheese, still wrapped up in
tin-foil. On these days we were able to carry home additional food for ourselves
and, more important, to bring our fellow-sufferers, who were [unable to] work,
the necessary food. Those who were able to work, were for the most part forced
without distinction to do heavier and heavier work, shovelling coal, digging out
foundations, felling trees and loading trucks. The women were sent to restaurants
and to private households for cleaning or laundry work. Besides this, many were
ordered to farms, to quarries, mines and to unhealthy occupations in the interior
of Czechoslovakia. Germans were sent to the mountains, to saw-mills and for
felling timber. Only during the summer of 1945 ill-treatment took place
generally. Thereafter only infrequent cases of maltreatment were reported from
camps and work places.
In spite of my age I was also among those who were sent to heavy work. I fell ill
twice. The first time I contracted an inflammation of the throat as a result of
being compelled to trail logs in the hilly woods, even though I was suffering from
fever. The second time I contracted articular rheumatism through digging drains
during a long period of rain. I was incapable of work for several weeks. I wish to
express my appreciation of the medical treatment I received from the
camp-physician Dr. Pott, a fellow-prisoner.
After 13½ months of imprisonment I was correctly interrogated for the
first and last time. This was finally brought about by the representations of my
wife and took place at the police-station at Reichenberg on July 24th, 1946. I was
promised a quick decision and an early transfer. But things turned out differently.
A supplement to the law regulating the infliction of punishment, which was
issued at the beginning of August 1946, established that in the case of
"Foreigners" sentence could be commuted in favour of transfer, if the State were
more interested in the transfer than in punishment. But at the same time the
power to initiate a prosecution before the People's Courts was withdrawn from
the police authorities and entrusted to the district attorney.
The district attorney based his case against me on Article 3 of the Edict of
Retribution, issued by the State President. On October 30th, 1946 I received the
bill of indictment. Again I was told that the trial would take place within 8 days.
But in fact I was not summoned before the Special People's Court until November
21st, 1946. The ex-offo-counsel for the defence did not get in touch with me
and - as far as I know - was not present at the trial. After the day and the hour of
my arrest had been established, the court withdrew and then pronounced
judgement. I was sentenced to 17 months imprisonment in consideration of the
extenuating circumstances as laid down in Article 16 and especially of the fact
that I had never made any National Socialist propaganda. The sentence was
considered as already served in view of my 17½ months of imprisonment
on remand. The whole trial lasted no longer than 10 minutes. Since I had been
brought before the court from the camp, I was taken back there. I was still
detained and not released to my family, although my sentence was already
Shortly before my sentencing, that is on November 14th, 1946, the last large
transport from Reichenberg left for the American zone of Germany. Soon
afterwards the Czech Government had the effrontery to declare publicly, even
though they knew that more than 200,000 Sudeten Germans were waiting for
their transfer and their reunion with their relatives in Germany, that the transfer of
the Sudeten Germans was [complete]. My wife was living together with our two
younger daughters and a grandson in a humble little apartment at
Reichenberg-Rosenthal. The entire furniture of our apartment had been taken
away from her, they had removed my considerable library and she herself had
been forced to clear out of the apartment. Hoping that I would soon be released,
she had waited for me in 1945 in spite of the chicaneries of the various
authorities. In 1946 she was no longer able to leave, since as a result of an
American protest families could not now be transferred without their
In 1947 the conditions in the camp improved considerably. The number of
inmates was diminished. Each one of us had his own bed. After the People's
Courts had been dissolved we were no longer prisoners, we were only Germans to
be transferred. But the barbed wire around the camp still remained; only that
round the individual huts was removed. One was allowed to visit acquaintances in
other huts. We had more liberty to move within the camp and sometimes we were
permitted to go out on Sundays. The diet, too, improved. Working clothes were
distributed in cases of necessity; in the workshops which we set up ourselves
shoes and clothing were repaired free of charge. The percentage of our wages,
which all factories, undertakings and households employing camp-inmates had to
pay to the camp-administration, was increased from
2 to 10 Kčs per working day. Cigarettes and sweets could
be bought in the camp.
Since in view of my articular rheumatism the doctor had certified me not fully
capable of work, I was sent only to light work after I had been before the court. In
March 1947 I was called for as a specialist on liquidations, in connection with the
liquidation of the German banks. I remained in this job until my transfer. But
even as a specialist I received no more than
10 Kčs for each working day as salary besides the food in
the camp, although the camp-administration demanded higher wages for my
services than before. In March 1947 we accidentally heard about an order which
had been issued by the Minister of the Interior on December 1946 and according
to which during the temporary suspension of transfers transports could take place
via Taus and Furth i. Walde for the purpose of reuniting divided families. Since
my elder daughter had found shelter in the neighbourhood of Detmold-Lippe
since November 1945, I made efforts to be transferred via Taus. But even when I
could show offers of work in Germany, my application was always put back with
a reference to the fact that my wife and four members of my family were still
living in Czechoslovakia and we were therefore not considered as separated.
Families only came into question, when wife and husband were separated or
children divided from their parents. So 1947 passed.
By December 1947 the conditions in the camp became worse. We were only
rarely allowed to leave the camp on Sundays. Even at Christmas families might
only be visited on a single day for a few hours. It was not advisable to speak
German on the streets. At the end of February 1948 it became even worse when
the Communists usurped the Governmental Power. Those Germans who were still
employed in individual undertakings as irreplaceable specialists had to be fired. It
became dangerous to speak German at all. We were scarcely ever allowed to
leave the camp except for work. An English course, which inmates of the camp
held among themselves and only during the evening hours, was now
The People's Courts were re-established and were ordered to review all the
previous cases which had come before them. Germans who in 1947 had been
released after being in prison on remand for 1½ and 2 years without ever
having been tried, were re-arrested and were sentenced to at least 5 years
imprisonment. The extenuating circumstances of Article 16 were now never
applied to Germans. Even those Germans who had formerly been acquitted were
re-arrested and new prosecutions ended with heavy sentences. Those, too, who
had been already sentenced were brought back before the Communist People's
Court, which always raised the penalty. I myself, before I was transferred, had
knowledge not only of the case of a German who had never been prosecuted and
who was now sentenced to five years, but also of two similar cases. In one the
punishment of 18 months, served long ago, was increased to 15 years, in the other
case the former sentence of 10 years was changed into 20 years. These three
sentences were passed by the renewed People's Court at Reichenberg on May
19th, 1948. The sentences were published in
"Stráž severu".
But not only Germans were threatened by new perils, the Czechs and especially
the partners in mixed marriages were endangered too. Lawyers who had
successfully defended Germans in the proceedings before the People's Courts
were suspended from the legal profession as [being] unreliable; Czech witnesses
for the defence were to undergo an investigation.
At this time first of all the inmates of the camps and then all Sudeten Germans
were informed of the possibility of being transferred at our own expense. For
transport-charges to the border the inmates of the camps were required to pay
1,000 Kčs and all other Sudeten Germans had to pay
1,500 Kčs per head. After the first sentences had been
passed by the new People's Courts, everybody attempted to escape as soon as
possible. I had now to pay
6,500 Kčs for my own, my wife's, my two daughters' and
my grandson's transport to the border (one of my daughters was also a camp
inmate, but worked for a farmer). Friends of mine helped, as I alone would have
been unable to meet the cost. But again I was set back from the first transport and
we were assigned only to the second one. Our luggage was cleared by the customs
and on May 26th, 1948 we climbed onto the truck, together with 51 other Sudeten
Germans. Our luggage was put on a second truck and its trailer. We drove via
Prague, Karlsbad and Asch to the border, which we crossed in the morning hours
of May 27th, after our small luggage had been passed by the customs.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out