Ingomar Pust
The Mass Dying in the Elbe
n unbelievable fate struck thousands of Germans in Aussig.
Herbert Schernstein, a Communist, had been in the concentration camps
Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück from 1938 to 1945. He recounts: "On July 8 I returned
from the concentration camp to Aussig, where the Czechs had just deported my mother. One day
near the end of July, already past 4:00 p.m., members of the Svoboda Guard drove all the
from the surrounding blocks of houses out of their homes and hounded them en masse into the
Elbe River. I saw women and children vanish among the waves. Czech groups with submachine
guns had set up on Ferdinand Heights, whence they shot at the Germans floating in the river. I
would estimate that some 2,000 Germans were killed that way. The Czechs proceeded especially
severely against
German anti-Fascists, who were made to wear red identifying armbands."
Another eyewitness remembers: "The wildest groups raged near the market square and the train
station. Women were thrown into the Elbe along with their babies in their prams, and the
then used them for target practice, shooting at the women until they no longer surfaced. They
threw Germans into the water reservoir in the market square, and pushed them back underwater
with poles whenever they tried to come up for air."
Konrad Herbertstein saw the happenings at the Elbe bridge: "I saw hundreds of German
from the Schicht works being thrown into the Elbe. The Czechs also shoved women and children
and even baby carriages into the river.
"It was not until about 5:00 p.m. that some Russian officers tried to stop the raging mob, and a
few Czechs in uniform were helping them. The Czech mayor of Aussig at that
time - his name was Vondra - had tried his best to stop the murdering mob, who had come from
outside Aussig, and he was almost thrown into the Elbe himself for his efforts."
Another account shows how the Czech military also participated in the murdering.
Grössl has testified:
"I was arrested, tied hand and foot, beaten unconscious three times in a row, and then thrown
a one-man bunker in the Welpert camp. Eleven men from the farming community had already
been shot there by Lieutenant Anton Cerny's unit. By a lucky coincidence I escaped the same
and stayed in the camp for 14 days as the lieutenant's batman. Every day I saw people being
abused, shot, or beaten to death with a hammer. The lieutenant himself saw to the shooting. I
personally witnessed the executions of about 20 people. Afterwards I was forced to lick the
lieutenant's blood-spattered boots clean."
Heinrich Michel recalls the concentration camp Lerchental: "One
day - I do not remember the exact date - a father and his son, who had returned to his parents'
home from the battlefront only the evening before, were brought to the camp. Just outside the
to the concentration camp the son tried to flee. He was mowed down with a submachine gun.
father was forced to cart the body of his murdered son into the camp in a wheelbarrow, and was
brutally beaten all the while. A gruesome funeral procession."
Elisabeth Böse attests: "On just a single day, twelve men were put to a gruesome
death in
Wichstadl. After their noses and ears had been cut off, they were beaten and thrown into the
water, and then they were hanged from the trees surrounding the church. Among them was a
Czech who had made weapons for the Volkssturm. We inhabitants of the town were not
allowed to leave our houses while this tragedy was going on. One neighbor (a farmer) had to dig
his own grave before being shot."
F. Fiedler attests: "In Haida 60 prisoners, including many women, were forced to strip
the waist
and take off their shoes. Then they had to kneel on the pavement of the market square and were
grossly beaten on the chest and the soles of their feet by Czech tormentors until they collapsed
unconscious. Cold water poured on the heads of these victims brought them to again so that the
torture could be continued. This maltreatment went on until daybreak, and then these poor
who had been tortured to the brink of death were shot in the market square."
The Baby's Head in the Latrine
rau M. v. W.'s observation about her stay at camp Pohrlitz go
also for all
the other camps: the most terrible and humiliating thing of all were the constant beatings.
"Beatings were administered by fist, by whip and by rubber cable. Beatings happened day and
night; no night went by without beatings, screaming, and the crack of whips and bullets. At
Czechs from outside the camp forced their way in, and the prisoners were dragged out of their
bunks and beaten until they passed out.
"Night after night the women were raped - even the sick and the elderly, even
the 70-year-olds. The partisans let the soldiers in, and each of the women were abused several
times a night. I once saw a soldier trying to rape a
delicate eleven-year-old girl. The horrified mother tried to fight him off with the superhuman
strength of desperation, and offered herself to the soldier instead, to save her child."
An account from Modrassy:
A mother whose newborn had starved to death committed suicide. One of the gendarmes
"Throw the dirty pig and her bastard into the latrine!" Three women had to throw the bodies of
mother and her dead baby into the open cesspit. Partisans then forced the inmates of the camp to
use this cesspit as toilet so that "the dirty sow and her bastard disappear as fast as possible," as
they put it. This continued for days, and even weeks later the baby's head and one of the mother's
arms could be seen sticking out of the filth.
In one barracks a young mother of four children, the youngest of which was three years old,
suddenly died. The Czech physician who came to do
the post-mortem barked at the dead woman's sobbing mother: "What are you howling for, you
German bitch, at least one more German pig has kicked the bucket!"
Frau Martha Wölfel reports about Klaidovka:
"In our camp all the toddlers four years old and younger died of malnutrition. There were more
than 200 of them. My child died there too, on April 12, 1946, at the age of 15 months. Three or
four days earlier the child had been taken to the children's hospital ward, where even the Czechs
were horrified at the shape the child was in. They notified me in the camp when the child died.
But when I asked where it would be buried, one of the guards gave me such a blow to the head
that I collapsed unconscious. To this day I don't know where my child is buried. It was the same
for other women.
"One pregnant woman was tortured especially badly. When a Czech soldier entered the room
spat there, she had to kneel down and lick up his spit. If she had refused, she would have been
beaten to death. Sometimes she was beaten until she vomited blood, and then they forced her to
eat what she had thrown up.
"Czech doctors refused to treat venereal diseases resulting from rape; the German women
begged them for medication. Wounded German soldiers whose open abscesses were crawling
with worms and who were covered all over with sores were simply left to their fate. People who
did not yet have dysentery were forced to lick the soiled clothes of people who did. Anyone who
refused was beaten unconscious.
"A 15-year-old boy whose father had managed to escape was beaten daily until they found his
father, who was then tied by the hands and doused with boiling water. His son was also tied up,
and forced to watch.
"The screams of the poor man thus tortured to death pushed many camp inmates to nervous
"Nervous breakdowns were the order of the day anyhow, and the Czechs regarded that as a
perfectly normal condition. It is impossible to describe all that happened. I can only pick out a

Prague, May 1945: Germans
as slave-labor road crews. The forced laborers were often at the mercy of acts of violence
from the vicious mob.
Crucified on the Barn Door
he affidavits about the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans were all sworn
by persons living in Germany. They had been questioned by the Ministry for Displaced Persons
Bonn. All the more significant, therefore, are the statements of Austrians, which have not found
their way into any published documentation.
Frau Johanna Huber of Klagenfurt is one of many. She cannot recall those days without

Johanna Huber
Photo from the days of Wellemin.
"Together with the Russians, Czech partisans arrived in our almost entirely German town of
Wellemin, near Leitmeritz. We stayed on
our 125-acre estate, even though Jim, our British prisoner-of-war [farm laborer], pleaded with us
to leave with them. He wanted to take us to safety. But we had a clear conscience, and besides,
had never had anything to do with the National Socialist Party. We had no idea what was in store
for us. First the Czechs
exercised lynch-law on the Party functionaries. One of them, a master carpenter whose name I
don't recall, was beaten half to death and then thrown into
the eleven-meter-deep well. The local group leader, senior primary school teacher Kurzweil, was
beaten to death in a basement together with several of his friends.
"But the orgy of hate was not directed only against Party functionaries. Very soon we realized
horror that all of us Germans, without exception and with no regard to our attitude towards the
Party, had become fair game, literally overnight. We had to wear white identifying armbands,
were forbidden to use the sidewalks, and were driven with beatings and clubbings to clean the
latrines in public office buildings. Other women had to carry heavy grenades and shells.
My 58-year-old mother suffered an abdominal rupture doing this. Through my desperate
I was able to obtain permission from a Russian in Milleschau to take her in
a hand-cart to the hospital in Leitmeritz, 17 miles away. But once we were there they did not
to admit her, because she was German. A German senior physician had the suicidal courage to
insist on her admission and to operate on her. And she was almost recovered already when all
German patients and the senior physician himself were killed by Czechs. I never saw my beloved
mother again.
"On my way to the Russian command post in Milleschau, I had seen with horror how Czechs
dragged wounded German privates and Blitzmädchen, girls who had been
assistants to the Wehrmacht, into Count Milleschau's castle, whose cellars had been turned
into day-and-night torture chambers. I still hear within myself the bloodcurdling screams that
came from the depths of this building that had once been an architectural jewel of our region. As
learned later, the people were first beaten half to death and then hoses were pushed up their
rectum and their intestines forcibly filled
with high-pressure water. Of course the Count himself had been the first to be killed.
"The road from Milleschau to Wellemin was a highway of horror. The dreadfully battered bodies
of German soldiers lay everywhere. Many of them still wore dirty, bloody
bandages - they must have been wounded who had tried in vain to crawl for their lives. I was
unspeakably afraid for
my 14-year-old daughter Marlene, who had hidden herself and a friend in the working quarters
the neighboring house, where a Russian officer was quartered. That way the house was safe from
the Czechs.
"But Marlene suffered weeks of psychologically devastating terror in her hiding place.
"Three days after my mother was admitted to the hospital, all the young women in Wellemin
rounded up. In groups we were led into the basement of the town hall. Wooden blocks had been
set up there. Under the greedy eyes of 'Revolutionary Guardsman' we had to undress and lie
on the blocks.
"Then the young Czechs stepped up one after the other and beat us with wooden bludgeons on
backs, buttocks and thighs, but especially on the kidney area. The weakest among us did not
survive this torture. Those who had proved to be the toughest were then also raped, even though
they were only semiconscious and whimpering in pain.
"I was locked up, alone, in the dark bathroom of the town hall. For hours I still heard the
gruesome screams of the tortured women in the basement. In my despair all I wished for was a
quick death."
Johanna Huber recalls that news of further horrors arrived frequently from the surrounding
villages. In Katzauer the farmer Malik was
nailed head-down onto the door of his barn. Then wooden matches were driven under his
fingernails, and lit.
Sudeten German Inferno
The hushed-up tragedy of the ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia