Part 10 - A word to the slanderers themselves
And now, a word to the slanderers themselves. A word from the pen of Friedrich Nietzsche,
one of the most prominent, courageous and profound of all philosophers:
"And this is the tale of Zarathustra's conversation with the fire-dog: The earth
said) has a skin; and this skin has diseases. One of these diseases, for example, is called 'Man'.
another of these diseases is called 'the fire-dog': men have told many lies and been told many lies
about him.
"To fathom this secret I fared across the sea:
I have seen truth naked, truly! barefoot to the neck.
"Now I know all about the fire-dog; and also
all the revolutionary and subversive devils which not only old women fear.
"'Up with you, fire-dog, up from your depth!' I
'and confess how deep that depth is! Where does it come from, that which you snort up?
"'You drink deeply from the sea: your bitter
eloquence betrays that! Truly, for a dog of the depths you take your food too much from the
"'At the best, I hold you to be the earth's
ventriloquist: and when I have heard subversive and revolutionary devils speak, I have always
them like you: bitter, lying, and superficial.
"'You understand how to bellow and how to
the air with ashes! You are the greatest braggart and have sufficiently learned the art of making
"'Where you are there must always be mud
and much that is spongy, hollow, and compressed: it wants to be freed.
"'Freedom', you all most like to bellow: but I
unlearned belief in "great events" wherever there is much bellowing and smoke about
"'And believe me, friend Infernal-racket! The
greatest events - they are not our noisiest but our stillest hours.
"'The world revolves, not around the inventors
new noises, but around the inventors of new values; it revolves

Part 11 - Conclusion
Immensely much could still be said about this topic. I have restricted myself, on the whole, to
I know from personal experience. My intent was not to settle scores with former opponents; we
no need of that. My intent was twofold:
a) to establish how abominable and base a barrage of lies has been aimed at us
for decades; and
b) to point out who does this, and why.
The circles which have instigated and perpetuated
the world-wide slander of our nation for decades now are themselves in every way the extreme
opposite of us Germans. They are more or less an imitation of their prophet Karl Marx. They
themselves away ever more clearly by no longer trying to destroy only us Germans with their
other nations as well. The Chileans, the Spanish, the South Africans and the Arabs are but a few
examples. They, too, the slanderers accuse of heinous crimes, they too are placed at the
continual hate-mongering carried out on an international level and even by means of
Anyone who comes to know them through their methods knows that their lies are only a means
towards their end in the struggle for world power. For if it were otherwise, they would have the
courage to slander the great powers as well: Russia, China and the United States. But not a hair
their heads is ever touched! What all do these states have on their conscience even only
respect to their own nations, their own people? Not a word is written about that. There are even
attempts to forge spiritual alliances against us with these
nations - which endeavour has succeeded all too well in the case of the United States. I just
disgusting hate-propaganda that a certain General Eisenhower ordered distributed in immense
quantities to his officers near the end of the Second World War!
And who still recalls that the Poles indulged in such unspeakably atrocious excesses in Germany
1945 that some of the Russian troops saw fit to protect the Germans from these Poles? What
the slanderers to keep silent about the fate of the Jews in the Soviet Union as well as in the
In 1961, in Buffalo, USA, I saw one of the largest synagogues in the city, which had burned
and, it seemed, was not being rebuilt. I asked numerous respected Americans what that meant.
shrugged their shoulders and laughed a little maliciously, and that was all. I then asked
"When is it going to be rebuilt?" The answer: "We don't know if it's going to be
Even though the incitement and hate-mongering against our nation and its history is carried on
the most vigorously and most disgustingly in the United States, I do not think that most of the
are prepared to believe everything they hear.
Those criminal slanderers who incite the entire world against our German nation and its history,
act in a similar manner towards very specific other nations as well, do not, however, voice even
slightest objection when international Capitalism / Marxism promotes a process which in the
run will most certainly destroy the whole of all life on earth. I only need to mention that horrible
"disposal of radioactive waste".
No-one knows what to do with this deadly waste-material, of which there is more and more
Because storage on the ocean floor has already proven much too dangerous, the only possibility
considered to be still an option is to deposit it in particularly deep ocean trenches, where this
will not become active for another
10,000 years - we hope. But if the amount of waste that has already accumulated gets out of
even only 1,000 years, then this should more than suffice to utterly destroy all life on this planet
very brief period of time indeed!
My question: who are those international dictators, unprecedentedly thoughtless and callous,
irresponsible and unscrupulous, who dare to continue producing radioactive waste even though
know full well that the enormous dangers to all life grow more and more monstrous with each
barrel that is sunk, and can never be stopped?
Anyone who tolerates that, who does not speak out against it, who does not denounce those
of economy and finance as by far the worst criminals of all time and all
nations - God knows, such a person does not have the slightest right to criticize things past.
Those who calumniate us Germans and our history were and continue to be the ones truly at the
of the great
wars - and they are at the same time the ones who pave the way for that Dictatorship of World
which I have particularly stressed.
Thus, the circle closes, and what seemed so incomprehensible at first becomes quite clear.
And exactly for this reason, that now we know what at best we could sense then,
I must take this opportunity to remember those tens of thousands, and probably even hundreds of
thousands, of good German men and women who, since May 8, 1945, have slowly died an
death because their love of home and Fatherland, their decency and their loyalty to their people
their nation simply could not bear all these base lies and deception. I saw many of them already
slowly begin to die of this spiritual agony in the prison
camp - and not a few of them, out of their bottomless despair, ended their own lives.
I know that I was born a German so as to live and do my duty as a German. That is in accordance
with the eternal order of this world we live in. He that deliberately acts against this order, can
be a traitor, a scoundrel! He harms everyone else. No philosophy, no religion, no mathematics
ever be stronger than the eternal ethical legitimacy of nature!
"This above all: to thine own self be true!
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."
Shakespeare, Hamlet I,3 (Polonius)
Part 12 - Epilogue
Whether it makes sense or not - it is an undeniable fact, proven anew day in, day out, that Adolf
is the best-known person in the world today, second only to Jesus Christ. Particularly in the most
powerful nations,
he is - politically speaking - still very much alive, for time and again, the world over, he is
quoted and continually referred to and described. Magazines, books, movies, radio, television,
parliaments and countless speakers from all nations continue, 31 years after his death, to seize
possible opportunity to exploit this man and to profit from him. The most glaring example of
which I myself witnessed must be mentioned:
In a speech which I gave in Ulm/Donau, I attempted to establish that there can never be
rigid judgements in politics. The more natural any given teaching is, the more human discipline
required of its adherents. Hence, the more sacrifices must be made, the smaller the number of
followers, fighters and faithful.
I said: "Let no-one believe that everyone who once wore the Brown Shirt is my friend today. On
contrary - in this matter I am particularly discriminating, because I know that the number
of National-Socialists decreased, the more rapidly the numbers of Party members grew! If
today points out a Federal Minister or party leader who used to hold a position in the NSDAP, I
not care less, for I know that he could never have ben
a National-Socialist. He just 'acted the part' - and so he will just 'act the part' all his life."
In closing, I said: "It was a very bad thing that both Ribbentrop and Bormann, for
example - two profoundly different men - were not National-Socialists. The wrong political
is in itself disastrous, but to fake the positive political attitude and then to abuse and betray it,
In this context I mentioned that I had seen Bormann in the train station of Buchloe after the war,
1948 or 1949. This remark caused an uproar, and a leading German magazine asked me for an
interview. I agreed, on the condition that I would first be given a clear answer to the following
question, which was of paramount interest to me at the time: "Am I correct in the assumption
official account of Hitler's death is partly untrue? By 'partly' I mean 'to a considerable
The magazine's editorial staff withdrew for a brief conference, and then declared that it was in
so, the official account was incorrect in some vital respects. I responded that it was quite
incomprehensible to me why such a prominent magazine would then forfeit the great credit of
publication, and keep silent for years. Their answer was: "All in good time, dear Prince!"...
This interview has remained in my mind as exceptionally revealing and interesting. And that is
also a reason for my writing this booklet, even though it strikes me as somewhat
an attempt at the interpretation of Adolf Hitler's personality.
And just at this time, quite unexpectedly, I have received what is probably the most interesting
valuable supplement imaginable: Adolf Hitler's last recorded statements shortly before the end
of the war - some notes, unknown to date.
The reader will no doubt wonder whether these notes are genuine. Naturally, we too considered
point frequently and earnestly. I can only say this: the writing is Hitler's style, the statements are
doubtless his own thoughts, the mood of those days is singularly brought to life, and the notes
released by a reliable and trustworthy
source - for the sake of the truth, and only for its sake!
Adolf Hitler's expositions* affected me, who knew him well until 1936, like a profession by the
to be departed. With perfect candor he tells how he saw
matters - and exactly that is of paramount importance for us to know, for:
"The concealment of truth brings
Friedrich Nietzsche
*KRITIK issue no. 70: Adolf Hitler - ein Leben für Deutschland und
Was Hitler Really a Dictator?