
Illustrated Reports by Medico-Legal Experts

Murder victim Herbert Schollenberg, 14 years old.

Schollenberg, Herbert, 14 years old,
belonging to the household of Pastor Kutzer.

Hands bound on back. An arrow shows the place in the back
where the rifle bullet left the body. This rifle bullet was fired
whilst the victim was in a recumbent position,
after a pistol shot had been fired at the boy standing upright.

In the coffins can be seen other victims of this group of murders.
The names of the victims, officially identified, are inscribed in chalk.

(Autopsy No. Br. 118 [OKW. H. S. In.])

The Polish Atrocities
Against the German Minority in Poland.

Edited and published by order of the Foreign Office
and based upon documentary evidence.
Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt.