Pastor Reder, of Mogilno, clergyman, 63 years.
Case of murder in a column of internees.
R. was shot down at Glodno station by the Commandant of same,
immediately after a Polish inhabitant of Mogilno had recognised him as
a German clergyman and had pointed him out as such to the Polish officials;
an army sentry delivered the coup de grâce shot.
In the meantime he had received blows with the butt of a rifle.
Two bullets entered the body at left dorsal side, the lower one corresponding
to the pistol shot which left at right side of abdomen and the higher one
corresponding to the rifle shot of the sentry, ascending into the cranial cavity
through osseous thorax wall and cervical portion of vertebral column.
To make the photograph more clear, the apertures caused by the bullets
have been marked by powdering the skin noticeably discoloured
through decomposition.
(Autopsy No. Br. 80 [OKW. H. S. In.])