
Minority German, holder of a military passport, destined to be
Extract from the files of the Criminal Police Office of the Reich –
Special commission in Bromberg – Ref No. Tgb. V (RKPA) 1486/24.39.
On Monday Sept. 4, 1939 at 8.30 a.m. 4 Polish
soldiers appeared in the home of Robert Kunde
in Bromberg, 23 Wierbathstr. who, following a fruitless search for arms, made entries in the
military passports of Kunde and his sons Richard and Wilhelm, [which] marked the passport holders as
"Suspects". A note was made on other pages of the military passports to the effect that the
bearers were to be shot.
The male members of the Kunde family, together with other minority
Germans who had been herded together, were handed over to other members of the Polish
military by the soldiers who had carried out the search, were driven into a wood where they
were to be shot. Richard Kunde, together with another minority German from Bromberg,
Grüning, was able to escape, whereas his father was later on found murdered.
The entries made in the passports of Richard and his father, which were
found on the body, are
intact, with the exception of the entries that the bearers were to be shot. Richard Kunde, in
fear, tore out the further entry in his military passport and buried it in the wood. The buried
page was found again and is now being examined at the Criminal Police Headquarters of the
(Signed) Dr. Wehner, Criminal Commissar.
The photo on the left is taken from an old German passport which
was the property of Richard Kunde's murdered father who, as a
German, had served in the German army before 1918. The photo on the
right is a photo from the Polish passport of Richard Kunde who,
though of German extraction, was liable to military service in the
Polish Army.